
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

NYC Day Two: Sunny in the city!

Day two dawned beautiful and sunny. C and I hit the streets ready to explore, knowing that we needed to be available for a possible private tour of the NBC studios at 11a.m. We headed toward 30 Rockefeller Plaza with coffee in hand. Once we arrived at the outside of "The Today Show" studios, Kathie Lee and Hoda were interviewing Matthew Morrison of "Glee" fame (see below, really that's them through all those lights!) so we obnoxiously snapped pictures of the back/side of his head until security told us to get behind the barriers with the rest of the throng... Um, no thanks! We'll just keep moving along...

We had a quick breakfast at Bouchon while waiting for confirmation of our tour, which was ON. My sister-in-law's good friend Sheryl (who works at NBC) asked a co-worker and former NBC page, Marie, to give us a tour, which was fabulous! We saw the sets of SNL and Jimmy Fallon, passed by Dr. Oz's area, went into the MSNBC control room (very quietly, as we weren't supposed to be there), smelled the commissary (yum), and in general learned a great deal about NBC history and trivia. Very fun! (See Molly Shannon's Mary Catherine Gallagher get-up below. It was beside Dana Carvey's Church Lady costume--which was currently missing [?], and Jane Curtin's egghead outfit... that's before my time, I think?)

Corinne and our tour guide Marie checking out the Jimmy Fallon set.

We had 1:30 lunch reservations at the International Culinary Center (formerly the French Culinary Institute) in Soho, so we subwayed down to that general area and walked around for awhile, exploring.

A fabulous three-course lunch later (see my halibut above, and I bet you can't guess what I ordered for dessert, ha ha) and we were back out on the street, wending our way from Soho to TriBeCa, the East Village and Chelsea areas, stopping at Washington Square Park for a brief stop before continuing on to Union Square, where we subwayed back up to the Theater District, where we saw "Grace," a play with Paul Rudd and Ed Asner. It was very intense and dark-ish, but well done. After the play we had a quick Indian meal at a nearby restaurant and called it a day.

These boys were belting out some jazzy tunes in Washington Square Park and it made me think of Seth and how he might be able to fund college, while he's in college! They were good, and having a bit of fun too... had people dancing, even. Well, one guy. But he was very into it!

18,000 steps on the FitBit. Shops visited: Sephora, Apple, Purl Soho, Pearl River, DSW, Apple (again), Aerosole, Steve Madden... Notice the plethora of shoe shops there? Alas, nothing purchased at those... interesting. But oh how our feet were feeling those 18,000 steps...


  1. I'm loving following along with you two...even if vicariously! :-)

  2. Didn't know you were a FitBit person -- love it? hate it? OK? meh? I'm curious..

  3. Good job to get personal tour of NBC! Very cool!

    In your tour of Apple stores, hope you get to see the fabulous Apple store in Grand Central Station... it is incredible!

    Really enjoy following along with you.

  4. Sounds like you are having a grand time...I know what I feel like once I get to the 15000 step level...oy vey!!! But I bet you are sleeping like angles.

    Keep on having a great week.

    1. Well, I hope you are sleeping like angels...not angles!!

  5. These posts are making me homesick! And the shopping- I'm not a big shopping person but every time I went into the city I'd get sucked into the shopping aspect. Bookstores and clothes. It was just mind boggling for me, as a teenager, to walk into a clothing store and have so much to choose from. It felt like a gift to have all those things to choose from, and so beautifully presented. The people who organize those stores know what they are doing.
