
Monday, October 29, 2012

Happy birthday, SweetTea&Sunshine!

If it's my birthday--and it is--then it's also the birthday/anniversary of this little old blog. And if I'm 44--and I am--then ST&S is all of 4 years old, since post #1 took place on my 40th birthday (wasn't that just yesterday? Certainly feels like it!). Toddler blog no longer, we're a big kid now... sort of. (Thank goodness we're past the terrible twos and the tyrannical threes, right?)

Meanwhile, it's been on my mind for a bit to have a blogaversary giveaway to celebrate such a momentous event. I love the idea of giving presents on my birthday (I can hear the boys asking now, am I planning on making good on that here at home?).

What would make a good giveaway? Something that says "Sher!" and "ST&S!" and also is something YOU would like... Many things crossed my mind, but I always knew I would land on a cookbook. But which one? I am not often drawn to books themselves for recipes these days. Many times it feels like the same themes, repeated; as well, there has to be something special about the printed format, when so many functional and appealing recipes exist online.

There are, of course, books that make the cut. Two came my way last year for my birthday: Tender and Plenty. Both are beautiful to look at, and full of fabulous and fresh ideas. But, they are last year. What's THIS year?

And then it just plopped in my lap, so to speak. Somewhere during the delicious week in NYC, I read a review of a new cookbook.

This lovely gem of a book, by none other than Stanley Tucci (and his family), is getting good reviews as an accessible and family-oriented Italian cookbook. I've been a Tucci fan since Big Night, and my affection has grown since, through Devil Wears Prada, Julia&Julia, The Hunger Games, Murder One (TV) and even The Lovely Bones.

Then I watched the video below, and knew I would need this book, and knew one of you would too!


Here's how it works: Leave a comment by midnight on Thursday, Nov. 1 and I'll do a random drawing. Very simple, and good luck to you all! Comment away.

Happy anniversary sweet blog. I've had a lot of fun in the past four years, and look forward to many more!

To see the past three blog-a-birtthday-versaries (I can't decide if it's a birthday or an anniversary, can you tell?):
Year 1 (2009)
Year 2 (2010)
Year 3 (2011)


  1. Congrats on your blog anniversary! It is one of my favourite blogs.

    Love the video story about the Tuccis's. Very interesting guy... and he has a great way of looking at cooking. I can hardly believe that no one has commented yet. It is not like me to be first... but it is windy and foggy out... not nice to be working in. So this is a little distraction that I enjoy.

    Have a very Happy Birthday. And remember to tell your boss that any work done on your Birthday is triple pay today.

  2. Wonderful blog...and my question was going to be...what does Stanley Tucci have to do with all those movies and that cookbook, and you answered it for me! I didn't know his name but have really enjoyed watching his acting career for some time. And he can cook!!!

    Happy, Happy Birthday, dear are a treat!

    So happy for you in so many areas of your life and so happy to be able to call myself, Your Mama.

  3. Happy birthday & blogiversary sunshine! So fun to read your inspiring tid bits. I am truly blessed to be your heirloom pal. Thank you for all the years of laughs, shared understandings and just pure goodness. I love you much!

  4. I am grateful for the sweetness and sunshine your lovely blog brings to my life. Happy to celebrate it and you today!

  5. Happy happy birthday! ....annnnnnnd how many comments can I leave to get entered in multiple times?? ;) xoxo

  6. Happy birthday (...again) Sher! Your blog is always so pretty and entertaining--it inspired me to start my own. Unfortunately, it didn't take me long to realize that I'm more boring than I ever imagined so...I no longer have a blog, but I still admire yours...and I could really use a good cookbook. :)

  7. HAPPY BIRTHDAY! celebrate for a month or two! or three...or a year...

  8. Happy Birthday to you and to your preschooler, ST&S! I've enjoyed making many of the recipes you've posted on here. Thank you!
    Debbie Rood
