
Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday night grateful moment

As I sat beside my boy this week in parent-teacher conferences and listened to his shockingly deep voice conversing with a teacher, it was a bit startling to realize just how quickly the years go by. It made me very grateful for every moment I have with him. (And a little bit grateful, too, for good PT conferences.)

If you haven't had the pleasure of viewing a Veggie Tales animated story, you're missing out. Well, I don't know if you're missing out, per se, but you will probably roll your eyes and move quickly past the clip below. But if you have seen this video about a plump blueberry (Madame Blueberry to you) and her voracious need to acquire more and more stuff from various "StuffMarts," you will more likely smile (as you roll your eyes?).

This video was one of the Veggie Tales that Seth watched a lot in the 3, 4, 5-year-old range (I think. I don't really remember, to be honest...). When the little refrain of "a grateful heart is a happy heart" went through my head today at some random moment, it was a little blast of nostalgia, and a good reminder too. There's a lot of truth in this little girl's song...


I hope you have grateful heart going into this weekend. What's on your gratitude list this week?



  1. I love Veggie tales... and Madam Blueberry is one of the best.

    Thanks for the short trip down memory lane.

    This week I am most thankful for my safety. Working on this last side of the house where I am installing the shingles I have used three stages of scaffolding... and next week I will have to add another to do the very highest peak above the windows.

    Safety is more important than speed, right? I had one scary moment stepping on a plank that cantilevered off two stages and didn't reach the third frame. I caught myself as the plank teetered giving me an adrenaline spill. Close call.

    So every day I pray for safety and take extra time to make sure all is stable.

  2. Madame Blueberry... loved her. One of my favorites. xoxo

  3. 'Madame Blueberry' spun a web of good influence around adults and children alike...I think of her often. The thankfulness song is such a charming little sermon all on its own.

    Thankfulness abounds in this neck of the woods. We are safe and sound, tucked into a warm house on a rainy day after a great 'ketchup breakfast'. I am very thankful for my children who are loving and respectful.

  4. I'm just so happy it's fall (even though it's raining today- blech!) I'm REALLY paying attention this year and I can't believe the changes that I'm noticing- not only in the world around me, but in all of us. This makes me realize my little fixation with fall is NOT wishful thinking- it truly is a magical, magical time of the year worth revelling in!
