
Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thursday 13: Randomness is awesome, even when I'm not.

1. My brain is foggy with a cold that is trying to plant itself in my head. I'm fighting the good fight and will not give in. I want to have a peaceful and happy weekend, not a head-exploding and snot-filled weekend. (You're welcome for that last lovely visual.)

2. My treatment cocktail of choice right now includes, but is not limited to: Airborne, Vitamin C and Echinacea, with a lot of water to wash it all down. If you try and tell me that one or all of those are placebos, I may have to hunt you down. All I know is that the sore throat I had when I went to bed did NOT advance in the night, and that in itself is a victory for the cocktail. So kiss my lack-of-substantiated-research hiney.

3. Do I seem to have a bit of a 'tude? Pardon me. Some weeks are like that. Add an almost-cold, and well...

4. Love love loving the sunshine.

5. Feeling a little less love for the cold temperatures. 33 two nights ago. 37 last night. I went out at o-dark-thirty this morning to pick apples off the tree--I know, what?--and the crescent moon over the hills was just lovely.

6. Have been in discussions about the 9/11 remembrance ceremonies and a) how long we should keep them going and b) how big a deal they should be. My thoughts are: how about somewhere between an enormous hoopla and talking to the Kardashians? Seriously, NBC. You suck. I mean, other than SMASH, which you had better bring back soon. Maybe I should just say The Today Show sucks... that might cover it. (Did you like that "in discussions?" That was pretty juicy, like I have these executive sessions to discuss important issues of the day. Sure, I'll let you think that.)

7. Slowly resigning myself to the end of the fabulous fruit-and-veggie season... slowly. Very much enjoying the bounty of tomatoes that hasn't quite slowed down yet. There is simply no substitute for picked-three-minutes-ago vine-ripened tomatoes (not to be confused with run-of-the-mill vine-ripenend tomatoes). Heavenly.

8. I've been hankering for some fall arts-and-crafts time, and can feel it coming... crochet hooks at the ready! Maybe a little yarn shopping this weekend? Because of course, there's always room for more yarn, am I right?

9. I can feel my head/brain/thoughts drifting as I type. I am curious if I'll actually get to 13 before nodding off (sleep has been less-than-optimal the past couple of nights). May need another shot of espresso...

10. In general, I love mornings more than any other time of the day, by magnitudes of, like, a billion. Even mornings where I'm half-there are better than afternoons. Afternoons are just energy-sucking, to me. A little afternoon nap (can you feel me plotting?) and the evenings can perk me up. But mornings, glorious mornings!


I was singing Morning Has Broken early this morning, if that gives you any idea of exactly how annoying I can be. I was actually quite taken by how husky my cold-inclined voice sounded, so that's probably mostly why I sang... Ha, such a dork. Luckily, husband is equally morning-oriented, and Seth slept through it.

11. Not feeling breakfast-y this morning but know I will regret that later. What to eat when you're not feeling 100%? I would love some ideas. Please share.

12. I am fantasizing about my afternoon nap.

13. This list ended up being less random and more "look at me and my sleep-deprived-not-well self." Lucky you. Thank you for indulging me. I am sure there are many more interesting Thursday 13s out there that you will find your way to... and you can find them, here!


  1. Replies
    1. I love how I can feel like I've had a whole day before 9 a.m., if I get up really early. It's amazing. No wonder I want to nap by 2 p.m.!

  2. ohhhh, I <3 Cat Stevens :-) What beautiful hair he had! Oh, and I've been having this for breakfast:

    Lots of the overnight oats have banana as the main ingredient and I don't like bananas. So when I saw this one, I had to give it a try. It is seriously delicious! Chewy! And I add raisins to it after I heat it, along with some coconut, a teaspoon of peanut butter and a bit of maple syrup. Oh, and I used almond/coconut milk to make it.

    1. I make steelcut oats every morning for Alan, but just can't get into them, myself... I'm more of the mushy instant oats kind of girl (I can admit that, can't I?) I did regret not eating anything until 1:30 this afternoon--got kind of wobbly at work there right around noon--but am feeling better post-nap!

  3. +1 on hoping you don't have a "head exploding snot-filled weekend.."

  4. I think chicken soup is good anytime, even for breakfast.

  5. I can't handle those airborne in water. I figure biting off pieces at a time is less nasty.

    Have a great t-13

    1. I've never tried just biting it... I shudder through the drinking, but make it extra-dosed so I don't have to do it again very soon. Megadose!

  6. #9- Another shot of espresso always does the trick for me.
    #10- I am NOT a morning person, but I do love that song.

    Great list. Randomness IS awesome. (And feel better, soon.)

    1. Nothing like espresso, eh? This morning's felt extra special.

  7. I love mornings, too, and be napping by noon. Hope you feel better soon.

  8. Look at all the wonderful comments you got here...people love you and people relate to someone being thoroughly honest about feeling punky!!!

    Re: the 9/11 remembrances...apparently they have cut them back to just the relatives of those who died in NY. Didn't watch enough to be too educated on it but good luck with those discussions.

    Wishing you well. ..and no 'sniffles' during your weekend ahead.

  9. When I feel crapy I find comfort in salty potato chips or Hawkins Cheezies!

    Sorry you don't have Cheezies 'medication' in the USA.

  10. Love your comment "If you try and tell me that one or all of those are placebos, I may have to hunt you down" haha. Made me laugh. Well I thought I'd tell you aren't crazy! I love my echinacea BUT not all echinacea are created equal. Here's an article I wrote on it. No sales ... just info I thought you might find interesting. What I can say is you need really high dose during an acute infection, echinacea is best in prevention. There are other herbs that kick ass during an acute episode.

    Hope you are feeling better


    Dr Mélanie

  11. How are you feeling now? I'm sorry I didn't post a comment sooner- my feed reader hasn't given me anything new in weeks and then all the sudden today it coughed up a whole bunch of new stuff from the last few weeks, so if you get a bunch of commentspam from me in the next half hour, you know why!

    And while I'm celebrating the fall, the truth is the only things that have changed weather wise are ... well, nothing. But now it's dark when I wake up in the morning (what?!) and the sun begins to set at 6:30pm instead of 8. I am really ready for cooler weather. Not 30, though!! Geesh!
