
Friday, September 7, 2012

Friday night grateful moment

Feeling a little visual in my thankfulness tonight, and short on words. I think I used them all up this week, yakking here and there and everywhere. I know, you're shocked. I am too. I didn't know words could get used up, but they can. I trust I will fill up with words again over the weekend... but between now and then, a little visual thankfulness.

First off, I'm grateful for Pinterest, the keeper of all my visuals.

I'm also grateful for...

 ...reasons to smile and say "awwww."

...reminders to be grateful.

...color and creativity in the kitchen.

...more gratitude reminders...

...more cuteness., always with the coffee!

...and cheese, another constant.


...people who think up new craft ideas so I don't have to!



...inspiration to get running again!

...reminders to mind my own business!

...this beautiful place we call home. Ever grateful for that!

I hope the weekend brings you a chance to recharge and appreciate the blessings around you. 



  1. the mockingbird one gave me much mirth

    and the one on coffee i feel i could have written


    1. I was thinking of the nieces when I posted the cute pix... and you with the coffee!

      Thankful for you, always.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Thank you for the funnies and also for the little inspirations. Just what I needed after a long, trying day:) (Thank you, also, for posting my "Huevos Californios" a week or so ago!) I'm enjoying your blog.

    1. Thank you for stopping by and commenting, Resa. I enjoy your blog as well!

  4. So good for a Big Smile...That verse in Thessalonians is my motto this year...better late than never.

    Oh yes, and the 'crazy that needs tucking in' is priceless.

    Always, always love the view you live with.

    Thank you for this moment each week.

  5. I SO FEEL THAT WAY ABOUT TEA IN THE MORNING. It feels the tiniest bit like Christmas, waking up on some days. (I also feel like that about the mail, which is probably because I order so many art and craft supplies in tiny orders so I get lots of happy mail!)

  6. So many blessings all around! All the time! On the top of my list is a great lunch with wonderful friends. It was a chance to recharge and just laugh and enjoy life!! xoxo
