
Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday night grateful moment

“If the only prayer you say in your life is ‘thank you,’
that would suffice.”
 -Meister Eckhart

This week I said “thank you” for:

Seth came home--and we're thankful for much, much more than his lawnmowing abilities!

My favorite David Austen roses are in full bloom!

I didn't plant most of these sweet violets, they just volunteered to show up from last year!

When it's almost 100 and I've been weeding, laying with my feet (well, okay, pretty much my whole body) in the sprinklers is just delightful.

Produce is in full gear: tomatoes, summer squash, zucchini, peppers, cucumbers, kale and cabbage. Hard to come back from the garden without a bin or two, overflowing.

The weather has been lovely, and the sunsets are typically beautiful and bold.

Wishing you a lovely weekend, with a thankful list the length of your arm!



  1. Just love your violet photo! Isn't it great when things just happen on their own?

    We are just a little envious of your bountiful garden. This year even the weeds are not doing that well.

  2. I love roses so much. Even my two pitiful bushes in the front (which are doing good, by Southwest Florida standards, to be honest). I have to hold myself at arm's length so I don't develop a full blown rose addiction because it could SO easily happen.
