
Friday, August 3, 2012

Friday night grateful moment

End of another week, and oh how they quickly speed by.

was good for July, but for August I want to press the pause button. There's a lot of work work to be done, and home-project-yard work too, Seth will be home tomorrow night (whoooo!), and there's a trip to Canada in there somewhere as well as a catering event at work, and I don't want to even breathe a breath about back-to-school nonsense--I'm tired just typing it all...

Meanwhile, I just want August to go on forever. See what you can do about that, OK?

But, I'm grateful. Grateful for it all.

For the work, that it's interesting and with interesting people. And that, occasionally, we pause for a little work-fun as well.

For our home. I think that every day: I'm so glad to live here, in this house, in this setting. It is lovely and we are blessed, even as things need repair and replacing... it's not old but it's not new, and maintenance is mandatory.

For Seth's imminent arrival. No other words needed. Just a lot of hugs!

For the prospect of a trip to Mayne Island. Relaxation (think: hammock) and good food (think: my Ma) and a few games of Mexican Train dominoes and I will be in heaven. The view doesn't hurt, either. (I will post pictures from there, definitely!)

For the catering event. This one is going to be fun--well, they all are, these days. That's the joy of a) getting to pick your gigs, and b) getting to work with a sister-in-law who generally says, "Well, what would you like to make?" I will definitely post pictures and recipes after this one, and I've been thinking about it for long enough that I even made a Pinterest board to collect my thoughts.

For all the flavors of the season. From the apricots and watermelon and figs, to the blueberries I bought today that were the size of a quarter, kid you not. For the arugula pesto I'm still working my way through--tonight it was with little orecchiette and tomatoes, yum. And the kale in my morning smoothie, the summer squash, cucumbers, potatoes and green beans... now we're just waiting, so patiently, for the tomatoes to ripen, and we'll be in true summer bliss.

For love. Always, always, grateful for love in my life. Was reminded of a quote this week that I read on a blog recently: it takes an awesome boyfriend to beat no boyfriend at all. When I read that, I thought to myself: I wish someone had shared that with me at 15, or 17 or even 20. But I am extremely grateful to have such an awesome "boyfriend!"

For my Creator. That should always be at the top of the list, every week, as it is--He is--the one thing that makes the rest of the list matter at all.

For the sunshine, and our gorgeous days that haven't gotten too hot. I talked to a Seattle transplant this week who, while not complaining per se, let me know that the Walla Walla heat is a bit much right now (we've been in low 90s most of the week). I was happy to reflect, as I often have in summers past, that I love the warmth here in Walla Walla, all the way to 100 degrees. When we hit 100, then we're HOT. But up to that point, it's just glorious!

For the cool of the mornings. The beauty of days that don't top 100 is that they head back down to the high 50s/low 60s overnight, and the mornings are beautiful. Add to that the shortening of the days--I went out at 5 a.m. to pick apricots this week and it was actually too dark to make out the ripe from the unripe!--and it's really a wonderful sweet spot in the season.

For friendship. Reading through the article that I posted a link to yesterday, it really did reinforce the value of friendships and while it's something I recognize often, I was glad of the reminder that I am truly lucky to call some pretty fabulous individuals my friends. I also feel fortunate to think of my family in that light; I know a lot of people need to keep a tight line between the two, but for me, having family as friends works just fine.

Color in the yard. It's all blooming, from roses and sunflowers to dahlias and nasturtiums and coleus and lavender and echinacea... There are a few more perennials I want to add for next year, to fill in the early July spot where we seem inbetween blooms, but for the most part, we've got the color going on!

Reading through my list, it just makes me all the more grateful--for it all! I hope that your summer is going well, and that your gratitude list includes a bit of color and flavor and love too.



  1. I feel the SAME WAY about family and friendship. Tom is my best friend, period. He has been since the day we met. It's just the way we relate with one another. It's easy, it's comfortable, but it goes deep, too. I feel like he's "home", if that makes sense.

    Love this list!

  2. Great list, Sher.

    Your mention of all the flavours of the season reminded me of your mother, who keeps saying, aren't these nectarines wonderful?

    They are my favourite.

    To which I remind her that a few days ago she said the same for the juicy plums... they are my favourite.

    And last week it was the cherries... which have been so amazing this year... they are my favourite.

    Before that we had great blueberries... and those were her favourite.

    The season opened with strawberries which we got from Mitchell's... and they are always our favourite...

    followed by raspberries... again always a favourite.

    We are just a little envious of your spot where you can pick such a variety of fresh fruit so abundantly. That truly is wonderful.
