
Friday, July 20, 2012

Friday night grateful list

Tonight I'm grateful for many things, but I'm only going to list one: Husband.

I am so grateful that we found each other, and took the risk to love. I'm also thankful for our communication, for the way we can and do talk--middle of the night, early in the morning...  whenever. We've got each other, and each others' back. And, I'm looking forward to growing old together--will we roam the earth in an RV, or settle somewhere cozy (and warm)? Whatever and whenever, it will be an adventure.

I saw this verse posted on a blog recently, and it stood out to me, for the first time, really. I had no idea that it was/is used for marriage ceremonies, but that makes perfect sense. I love it. I am also grateful for the third strand in our marriage, our Creator.


  1. Well said Sher. I thank the Lord often for your happiness. Alan is an answer to our prayers.

    The most beautiful thing in a marriage is always having a friend who who is there... someone to talk things thru with ... who understands and is there with you thru the good times and the bad.

    The amazing thing I've noticed in our marriage is our bond has gotten stronger with time. This October 20 will be 50 years since our first date. Hardly seems possible.

    When we first got married I told Shirley that I loved her but I wasn't going to tell her that every day... and if I ever changed my mind I would let her know.

    But over time I came to realize the importance of constantly affirming my love. We tell each other several times a day that we love each other... and that is much better.

  2. This is so sweet! I love this. I love Tom so much more now that I did when we first got together. I know that sounds weird, but I didn't even possess the awareness to HAVE this kind of love for someone else when we first met. The fact that my little family is MINE is so important to me, this ability to have chosen my "tribe" and then be with them...
