
Sunday, May 13, 2012

Happy Mother's Day!

This is a repost from 2010. This morning, as I pondered what to post about this special day, I read through the words below and realized it still holds some of my favorite musings about what being a mother means to me. 

As I write this, Seth is downstairs making me coffee (he just learned the ins and outs of the espresso machine yesterday, so between that and learning to drive, he's on a roll!). We're going to spend the day in the yard--more or less; the sunshine is glorious, and I imagine that any meal I dream up later today, Seth and husband will make a reality (within bounds, of course. If you can call and order it, I can have it!). I talked to my own mom yesterday, but I bet skype will be buzzin' a bit later today as well... My grandma called late last week--to tell me a couple of funny stories and reassure me that June is okay for a visit (we had been planning on going up this weekend, but work/life/school...).

 Life is so good. 

My mother and my son

here are certain things in life that you don't understand until "later": What love really means, what core values to actually base key decisions on, how to whip up a dinner from what looks like an empty refrigerator, how many times you can squeeze the tube of toothpaste after the last remnants appear to be gone, and why a good night's sleep doesn't come in a bottle. To name a few.

When "later" arrives is different for each of us, but for me, much of my "later" understanding has been revealed through being a mother. Being a mother is a daily seat at the table of learning about myself (and others). From mundane conversation about everything from homework to friends to girls to "consequences;" discussing how different individuals and households operate and function; ever-present politics and the variety of opinions that abound; the beauty of spirituality and life choices that stem from a belief system; there is never a lack of opportunity for learning and growth, for both of us.

For me, Mother's Day is a celebration of my mother as well as a celebration of my own mothering. Which is not to say it's an ego-fest; rather, it is a truly delightful day when I am able to relish one of my very favorite roles here on earth, and that is being the mother of an amazing and loving child. My mothering, though, would be quite different (and lacking), I know, without the influence of my own mother, who has taught me many things, including (but certainly not limited to) the true meaning of kindness, forgiveness and unconditional love, as well as a hearty work ethic. She has also passed on many other qualities of worth, including an appreciation for the art of a home-cooked meal and the comfort a thoughtfully appointed home can provide at the end of a long day. The list goes on, I assure you.

In the best of senses, I'm the filling in a great Mother's Day sandwich--happily between my son and my mother. I am blessed beyond what I deserve to have my mother alive and well, and my son also thriving and flourishing. I know in this world that those two simple things are often taken for granted; today, and every day, I give thanks for the gift of motherhood.


  1. How lovely...what a great photo with Seth and me. Thank you so much for your loving thoughts put down on your post. I am blessed and so fortunate. You make it easy to love you, but then, you always have.

  2. I've been thinking about Mother's Day for a few days now and I finally realized that I really don't consider myself "A" mother, I consider myself Gracie's mother. That's my SPECIFIC role. It feels so good to own that.
