
Friday, May 18, 2012

Friday night grateful moment

It's the end of a very quick week. On one hand, I can't believe I haven't posted since Monday; on the other hand, wasn't that just yesterday? Crazy but good.

Crazy but good and tiring. Tonight I felt the need to hunt around for others' words, to let them do the talking for me... let's just see if I can hold to that thought, eh?

Seth called me to the deck not 15 minutes ago, and stretched his arms out to the darkening sky, and told me (rather instructively, if I do say so) to do the same. He then said, "Look at all that blue, that dark blue, isn't that just amazing?"  I am so grateful for that kid, for his attitude, his resilience, his kind heart and his affectionate nature.

I'm grateful for promises, and reminders. Now, to only remember the reminders...  therein lies the rub!

I'm grateful for time to reflect on life, for flexibility in my work, for peace and quiet in country living, and a sweet, companionable dog. I'm grateful that the sun shines more than it doesn't shine right now, and for my husband, who brings me flowers, "just because."

I'm grateful that sleep will come easy tonight (just putting it out there, optimistically, because it has generally been so), and that tomorrow there will be naps in the hammock in the sun. I'm ticked and grateful for seed starts that are almost ready to hit the garden--okra! corn! butternut squash!--and that zinnas and bells of Ireland and forget-me-nots will be ready for the flower beds soon. I'm grateful for the asparagus that is in ample supply in the fridge, and for the breakfast I am eager to make in the morning.

I'm grateful, too, that my mom made a lot of sticky buns before the family visit in April, and that I froze a number of them and can warm a couple up in the morning and it will be like (sort of, but not really) we're having family weekend all over again.

I'm grateful for technology, that we'll skype with family tomorrow as is our weekend tradition. And I'm grateful that my little family gets another weekend together to enjoy each other's company and rest and worship together.

I'm grateful that Seth has only 13 days of school left, though that also kind of freaks me out a bit. I'm grateful that all our summer projects are coming along pretty well in the planning process, and can't wait for the planning to turn into doing in the next few weeks.

I'm grateful for coworkers who make me smile, and laugh, and care about getting good work done. I'm grateful for coffee with girlfriends, sharing our lives and challenges and supporting each other.

See, it just kind of happens... The momentum builds, and as I actually slow down and reflect on the week, my gratitude for all that is in our lives--the good, the challenging, the less-than-pretty--rises up and I can't help but take note of the things to be grateful for. I'm grateful for the challenges too,

How was your week? I hope it was good, even if there was a little crazy and tiring in there for you, and that the weekend brings the rest and respite you need.



  1. You are a most blessed mother...

    1. I agree. Sometimes I wonder how the heck I got so blessed...

  2. I totally love the quotes you picked for this blog post. Totally! Everyone is so perfect. What an inspiration.

    As I look at them I pause and think, "My daughter picked these quotes." How awesome is she?

    Can you tell me who the artist is who did the Thomas Merton quote? Very colourful. Are there more like that somewhere?

    1. Here's the artist's site:

      It doesn't look like she's utilized that style in other pieces, at least that she's posted... but I think it's fabulous and would love to see you try a bit with that, Pa!

      Thanks for the quote love, I have fun finding Just The Right Ones to convey my thoughts/feelings at the moment...
