
Friday, May 11, 2012

Friday night grateful moment

Quite the typical week, in my world. Moments of joy, moments of frustration, moments of peace and calm and then hurried bluster.

Through it all, a great deal of gratitude for each slice of my life.

I am so grateful for the beauty in my world. There seems to be so much to marvel at right now. This season just stuns me, every year. And it's not even my favorite season, which as you surely must know by now, is autumn.

We had varied weather again this week: rain, sunshine, clouds, wind, warmth, cool (Jack Frost, even); combined with blossoms on so many plants and bushes, little green shoots poking out of the dirt, baby cherries and apricots growing (so happy about the apricots especially)... all very much in the mode of spring, and all quite beautiful. The change of seasons make me grateful, always.

Seth called multiple times this week, which always makes my day. I am so grateful for our ability to have conversation, even when it's not easy, and be honest with each other. I am so grateful that he's growing into the kind of young man who thinks of others, and is learning to think for himself too.

A great night's sleep always reminds me how much I appreciate it. A night, or two, of less-than-stellar zzzzzs, and I'm even more grateful for the sweet slumber. 

Asparagus. Radishes. Baby lettuce leaves. Spring onions. I'm thankful for all the textures and flavors of spring. Yum. Lately I have been craving summer fruit like crazy. Daydreams, practically, of strawberries (real ones, picked straight out of the garden) and raspberries and blueberries... can't wait for bowls and bowls and bowls of berries...

With the increase (sort of, though it seems slow) in temperatures, it's been nice to ditch the sweaters and jackets and long sleeves. Layers still seem quite important for those afternoon temperature drops and/or seasonal storms, but by and large, I've been thrilled to ditch the woolens. And grateful to see something come out of my closet other than brown, black or gray. Hooray for color! If you see me wandering the streets in my rainbow socks, I cannot be blamed, it's just a sign of spring.

Working, always, on the word for this year: grace. I am grateful for reminders of grace--grace extended to me, grace that exists in spite of me and my pettiness, grace as something to strive for. I have a charm that says "Grace 2012" that serves to remind me to return to a place of grace, and of course there are always the reminders that just fall across my path, like the one below. The whole verse reads: Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. I love that, God's grace in its various forms.

Gratefulness seems to multiply, and at the risk of completely overstating it, I'm grateful for that! Good grief; but it's true. I am always bouyed by others' gratitude expressed, and have been told on occasion that my constancy with this tradition is something that bouys others. Sing kumbaya and hold hands, it's a gratitude circle. OK, I'm making light of it now, but I am serious, somewhere between the lines. As Mr. Chesterson said: “When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.”

I enjoy flash mobs in general (in concept, at least, not having been an in-person spectator or participant), and a friend of mine welcomed her son back from a seven-month missionary trip recently with a dear flash mob. I couldn't believe she got all the way through the dance without busting out to hug her boy! Seeing this video reminded me of so many precious things I'm grateful for: friendship, family, love, faith, music, and a whole lotta happiness. (Shari, your jumps for joy at the end never fail to make me smile and cry at the same time!)

Here's another lovely flash mob that made me smile this week. What a beautiful energy to inject into the morning commute.

This song is like a lullaby for me. I heard it for the first time recently, and have really enjoyed exploring this artist's music. Try listening to this song with your eyes closed, and I swear you will almost drift off... This is my wish for you and your weekend: Rest.


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