
Monday, April 23, 2012

Common Miracles, Week 50

 “Rejoicing in ordinary things is not sentimental or trite. It actually takes guts. Each time we drop our complaints and allow everyday good fortune to inspire us, we enter the warrior’s world.”
–Pema Chodron 


h Common Miracles, I have missed you.

Well, you've still been around, but I have been a wee bit slack these past few weeks at noting your presence... but then, I took a peek at my iPhone, and there you were, in all your visual beauty.

Thank you for being so constant. My life is infinitely better because of you.

Alfresco weekend lunches with husband.

Blue skies through spot-free rinse at the car wash.

Pea shoots on the rise!

Family walks in the sunshine.

Fabulous grape hyacinth droplets.

Planning the flower pots for the season...

Late with the eggs, but just as fun!

First firepit of the season!

Bunnies as table decoration? Of course!

Boy is taller than mom. Wow.

Soothing sunsets to end the day. Peace.

To see how the Common Miracle project began, check out Chel's blog.

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh! That's how I feel about my art journal- I really love the process of going through all the photos I have snapped with my iPhone (I have been going a little crazy with the photo taking, but I think it's a good thing...), printing out the ones that sing to me, and then cutting them out (I have a thing about the way a certain pair of scissors I own feel as they cut through the thick photo paper- that "crrrrr" sound it makes... it's such a weird thing!), and then arranging them on the page. It all makes me very happy. Your entry is like that for me.

    Those eggs are gorgeous! I have some paintable-paper mache ones here that we never got around to painting. But we still can! I'm gonna have a discussion with Gracie about that.

    Love the firepit photo! I'm all about the back lanai right now. There's a rocker I have my eye on for Mother's Day, to fit right next to my swing.

    I also should plant more peas. They were the first seed I planted, and they were so easy and came up so fast. I tried to TRANSPLANT the whole plants and destroyed them *shakes head* and learned my lesson after that. They are such a satisfying thing to grow.
