
Thursday, March 1, 2012

Thursday 13: When all else fails, daybook musings!

The week has just slipped away from me, in a plan-ahead-and-blog-thoughtfully kind of way... I had great plans of doing a Thursday 13 of smoothie recipes, initiated by my Aunt Bobbi asking about good combinations with yogurt... and sadly, I did a little initial research but did not get it together in the end.

So, you're stuck with musings. (The smoothies WILL happen, hopefully next week. I am in the mood for smoothies since I started looking around this week.)

FOR TODAY (pared down from the original Simple Woman's Daybook)

1. Outside my window... Gray skies with a rim of blue. Makes me think a little breeze might just blow the whole gray thing away. However, I did just see some snowflakes fall from the gray... we'll see who wins, blue or gray!

2. I am thankful... for my family. Near and far, I am loved and supported. Such a blessing.

3. In the kitchen... I made more breakfast cookies last night. This time I put in dried blueberries rather than dried cranberries, and I really like it. I am eating one as I type...

4. I am wearing... a skirt with leggings. I'm pretending that spring is coming, wearing flats and footless leggings... we'll see if my feet freeze off? I think not... heat on in the car, heat on at work! But I did get dressed before I saw the snowflakes...

5. I am creating... mental space? Maybe, but not even that, some days. Sadly, nothing much going on in the creative realm at the moment. I was thinking about getting a little crochet group going at work over the lunch hour one day a week, just to have that nudge toward working on something. We'll see.

6. I am going... slightly mad? OK, that's not even true, but in a stream-of-consciousness way, it was the first thing I thought of. Isn't that from a Queen song? On a slightly different tangent, I have been craving a little ELO lately, maybe with a side of Supertramp, and a condiment of Alan Parson's Project. ELO always brings me a great deal of nostalgic happiness.

Appropriate for my wishes of late...

7. I am reading... I am plugging away at the books I posted as aiming to read this quarter, and making a little headway. The thing I didn't factor in, but of course should have--given my short attention span--are the books that have since crossed my path and have bumped a few of the current books off the "must read now" list. So, we'll see what I have to report at the end of the first quarter. Will I have read all 13 of the original books? No. Will I have read 13 books, period. Um, no. Did I try? In a manner of speaking... But! There's March to go, so wish me luck.

8. I am learning... A lot. Every day. This project at work takes my brain to new places, and takes me back to places I've been before. It's all good, and I do usually feel completely mentally used up by the end of the day, which I really enjoy.

9. I am pondering... how to best approach an email I need to send. I will noodle on it for a bit, and see what I come up with. It's certainly not as difficult as I sometimes make it out to be in my head, and it's certainly become well-traveled road for me. I just need to get off my butt and do it.

10. A favorite quote for today... I'm sure it's from a larger poem, which I will find. But I ran across this yesterday and just loved it:

Never mind. The self is the least of it. Let our scars fall in love. 
-Galway Kinnell

11. One of my favorite things... has got to be my morning coffee. Really, my whole morning routine. Such a routine girl...

12. A few plans for the rest of the week... Work. Lunches out--two of them! Carpooling Seth to and from tennis practice. The usual...

13. A peek into my day... 

This amaryllis came via post from my oldest and dearest friend Corinne. I love it. I can't show you all four flowers at the head, but it is gorgeous, and the color! Wow. (Sorry about the white blowout there behind--that's where snowflakes are falling. But I decided this is better than turning around and you seeing my whole cluttered kitchen as a backdrop!)

I hope your Thursday is off to a great start. If you want to play along with Thursday 13, go here.

How has your week has been? I hope the fact that it's Friday tomorrow brings you great joy. It certainly does for me!


  1. I bought a pair of flats from Nordstrom's recently...they arrived yesterday, but alas, my big huge wide feet don't fit in 'em. Sigh!

  2. I always wondered if we could eat cookies for breakfast and call them breakfast cookies. Thanks!

    Have a great Thursday!

  3. What a beautiful flower! I tried to grow one of those last year and...yeah, it just didn't happen.

    Thanks for sharing!

  4. Gorgeous glad you have it to cheer you through the winter.

    Thought your excellent quote from no. 10 could apply to no. 9...all for the better good.

    How are those leggings working out today in the snow? :)

    Thursdays do come quickly when I have your 13 to look forward to. Love you!

  5. The crochet group sounds FANTASTIC.

    Today it was in the mid-80's down here in south Florida. It makes me worry a bit about the summer. The plants seemed to pull back a bit from the heat and intense sun. It's odd how they can change day to day.

    As far as reading, I'm just not bothering with stuff that doesn't grab me from the first chapter. Too many books, not enough time! I was in a book club for a while and I eventually stopped going because the books were so depressing. I know it's good to switch up things and read "important novels of our time" but when I'm busy and things are crazy, I really want to happily lose myself in a book, not have to work to keep myself emotionally distant from it so I don't get too depressed. Right now I'm reading "An Uncommon Education" by Elizabeth Percer. I can't tell if I LOVE it yet, but it's got me interested.

  6. Hey Sher! Wish I could join your crochet group. I used to love crocheting. I even made super large slippers for my teacher in 4th grade because I loved her so much I wanted her to have LOTS of slipper to walk around in. She laughed and laughed because they were like clown's feet on her. Lol.

    I'm half way through a couple of books I mentioned I'd be reading and I'm bogged down but can't bring myself to quit (Condoleeza Rice's tome for one). I'm with many books are depressing even if they are lauded. I am almost finished with the Hunger Games trilogy and tho they are violent, I really like them as a teaching tool about resources, war, death, and that real heroes are ordinary people who step up.

    Finally, here's a link to an online store for "Downton Abbey" goods.

    Have a lovely weekend!

  7. 10. lovely.
    7. that happens to me all the time. I tried making an active book shelf but it got too jammed to be useful so back to the regular shelves they went.
