
Friday, March 16, 2012

Friday night grateful moment

So very much to be grateful for, as this weekend kicks off.

I am in love with our apricot tree, in full bloom! The scent is positively heady. And so far (knock on wood) no major frosts to crumple my fruit desires... I am grateful for everything that nature brings right to our door.

It was a week with a lot of rain--that made everything pop and bloom and green up nicely! I love having blooms in the yard, finally, as well as the house.

But I'll take blooms anywhere and everywhere right now. I have primroses inside...

And tulips too. Beautiful peach tulips.

I have a soft spot for holidays that give reason to hauling out the food coloring! (Tomorrow when we cut into the sweet treat, I will share what's inside.) (And no, it's not a leprechaun.) I'm grateful for frosting and flavoring, and silly ideas that somehow come to life in the course of an hour or two.

OK, I may have gotten carried away taking pictures of the shamrock cake... I will admit that much.

I have the dearest nieces and love to hear about their fun accomplishments. Maizy just finished her first sewing project, and that brings back a lot of memories for me!  In related crafty news, I spent some time painting pottery this afternoon for a local fundraiser, and thought of my nieces a lot, and how I'd love to take them there one day. For crafty stuff, it's great to have girls around!! I am grateful for Maizy and Lucy.

I finally succumbed to the pull of the Instagram, can you tell? I had quite a bit of fun playing with the different filters and settings this afternoon. I can see why people get so "into" it... my favorite filters seem to be ones that have borders, with a kind of vintage-y look. Grateful as always for technology and all it's able to assist with in our lives. I'm thankful that Seth is home safely from his tennis match, and that he and his doubles partner won solidly. They had a good time, too. (What's not to love about hours on your butt in those school buses? Ow.)

Husband is a frequenter of this grateful list, and for good reason. He's truly a gem. I could spend the whole list just on him, but he would not find that very good form, being modest and what have you. So take it from me, I am grateful and blessed.

Oh the weekend, the weekend, the joyous, restful weekend. I am grateful to be here, right here in this very spot, at the start of two lovely days with my men, and anticipating what it will bring.

What does your weekend hold? I hope only good things!



  1. We almost wish we were home after seeing all your blooms!

    I'm sure we are missing some that action on Mayne Island.

    Your blossoms are so wonderful!

  2. You do have so much to be thankful for, I know. Love to hear about and see all the blessings that come your way. Your flowers are a major delight, I am sure.

    Yesterday, here in 85 degree heat, I heard one woman say to another, just think, spring is just around the corner! Truly, I did not snort as I walked by. But I did have a big smile on my face.

    Happy for Seth and his tennis games. Good man!!

    How are the bunny rabbits and the owl? Do you see new babies hopping about?

  3. Are those photos taken on your iphone? Hmmm...I have been using the iphone here some days. And have been pleased with what I can do with it but my iphone is very old. Do I need a new phone to get that app?

  4. Tom and I went to the movies tonight- we had tickets to one movie but decided right after it was finished to stay and watch another. (We saw "Friends with Kids" and "Jeff, Who Lives at Home") It was a very spontaneous decision, but I'm so glad we did it. It was a lovely and unexpected *extended* date night for us- Gracie stayed at my parents' for the night. So that is something I am grateful for- unexpected, spontaneous time with Tom.
