
Friday, February 17, 2012

Friday night grateful moment

She was indeed a precious, sweet doggy. A very unique dog in many ways, not your average affectionate, "pet me now, please" kind of pup. Nervous around people, anxious from birth, she was happiest with her brother, Jack. So when she passed this week, almost exactly 3 months after Jack, and at the ripe old age of 13.5 (or as Seth likes to put it, "almost 98, Mom.") it was both sad and awful, and not surprising. We will miss your sweet spirit, Darby, and your jumpy, dancing ways. I am grateful you were a part of our lives.

I'm greatly thankful for Chief, our one remaining dog. He brings comfort and lots of opportunities for petting, indeed. The past week he has been aware that lots is up, and seeing him alone in the yard, without his pack, is quite disheartening. So he is with us as much as he can be, and it's good for him, and good for us too.

I'm thankful for my men, who are kind and thoughtful and protective of me. They both looked out for me this week, in my more tender times... I am one lucky and very blessed girl. And our sweet Valentine's moments made my week brighter, for sure.

One of the things on my list this week, one of my favorite things, is an annual fundraiser I help with for a local non-profit, Children's Home Society of Washington. I wasn't able to be AS involved this year, especially on the day-of, because of work commitments, but I enjoyed attending and appreciating the stories shared about the difference individuals can make in the lives of children. I'm grateful for our community, and the strength in numbers when gathered together--both figuratively and monetarily!

Seed catalogs! I am SO grateful for those little reminders that show up in our winter mailbox, happy, sunny reminders that spring is coming. No surprise that they put beautiful, colorful flowers on the front most of the time... But then I turn the pages and all the fun vegetables pop out at me too--should I do two-toned radishes? Purple carrots? Striped beets? Yes, please, to all of that, and more. Can't wait for those warmer days (and nights).

I'm grateful to have spent the bulk of the week with four guys who, while often speaking a different language than I (computer language stuff), were able to dissect and discuss and probe and question and challenge and engage... and learn. It was good. I am glad our three days in the developer "cave," as I called it, are over, but I'm also very glad they happened. Oh, and there were stories and jokes and laughter, and they were very kind to me when I got a bit mopey about Darby too. Good times.

My friends are wonderful. I may have mentioned that a time or two in the past, eh? But it's true, they are. I am grateful for them.

And, because it can't help but be mentioned at least once or twice a week, I am grateful for color. When I saw this video, I knew I had to share.

How was your week? Any fun tidbits to share? I could use fun tidbits...

What's on your grateful list as you finish out the week? Tell me! And above all else, have a great weekend. Peace.


  1. So sorry to hear about Darby. It is never easy to say goodbye to our friends.

    I loved that colourful video at the end of you blog. I found myself intensely watching every little detail. Very clever and well done.

    1. Target seems to hire the best ad agencies, don't you think? Glad you enjoyed!

  2. So, so sad about you losing another pup. Our dogs have been driving me crazy all evening, but after reading about Darby, I got on the floor and rolled around with them a little. They bring such joy, and that's why saying goodbye is so heartbreaking. Thinking of you... xoxo

    1. Your Lucy pup makes me smile! Not sure I want to go the puppy route again, and for now we'll hold steady with Chief, who already has proven to thoroughly enjoy his status as only dog.

  3. Dear little Darby...I know 98 is a long life but in her heart she maybe had more butterflies to chase and more rabbits to scare. The closer 98 comes the younger it sounds! So sorry for you all.

    Had seen the Target ad but it is so great that I could watch it over and over. Love the table flip, love it all.

    Thankful for you and your grateful heart.

    1. Thankful for you too, Ma. And you've got a long way to go til 98, that's for sure. xo

  4. I'm so so *so* sorry to hear about Darby. :( *huge hugs*

    This week I'm grateful my family is back home. It's been CRAZY busy but every time I started getting caught up in the chaos, I took a deep breath and remembered the super quiet of last week. If I could find a balance of the two...

    I'm also grateful I sort of forced myself to art journal these past few days. I started wanting to paint, and ONLY paint, and so it was good to remember that I can enjoy TWO things and bounce between them.

    Also excited for some new seeds to arrive- new Sunflowers, Zinnias, a new Nasturtium variety, and I'm finally going to give Sweet Pea a try! Oh, and I also ordered some paints a few weeks ago and *maybe* they'll arrive today so that's kinda fun. I love mail.

    1. Right now all I could conceive of planting would be the cold weather crops... as you know I'm a wee bit jealous of your warmer weather, Chel. And I'm really enjoying your circle paintings again, thanks for sharing those. So pretty!

  5. What a sweet face. :( So sad for you all that you've lost two dogs in such a short time...and sad for Chief, too. Time to get him a friend!

    1. Thanks, Robin. I think we'll hold steady with one for the moment, but you never know when the puppy mood will strike!

  6. Darby was a beautiful sorry to hear of her passing. It seems just so unfair to lose 2 so quickly.
