
Friday, December 23, 2011

Friday night grateful moment

At our house, today was Christmas. We do know how to whoop it up, don't we?--a big family Christmas at Thanksgiving, another one now, and then a little bit still on the "actual" day of. But we do have our excuses... Seth takes off tomorrow with his dad, and we wanted to have a special family time, just the three of us.

So much to be thankful for this week, as every week. Probably even more, when I stop to think about it... Tis the season, after all!

This week I'm especially grateful for time with Seth. It's been a lovely week. His thoughtfulness in picking out gifts for husband and I that he thought we'd really appreciate was touching. He got me a little individual pie-maker; so of course, we had pumpkin pies with dinner tonight! Fabulous and easy peasy.

Also tis the season for fun family movies, together. I love going to the movies! Sometimes, when it's been awhile since I've been, I forget how very much I love the ritual of going, getting popcorn and Junior Mints, settling in to the comfy seats, watching trailers for upcoming movies... This week we saw Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, and The Adventures of Tintin, both really fabulous movies. I am always glad when there are movies that I want to watch with my son (as in, appropriate with language and nudity), and I was extra appreciative this go-around that he wanted to go to the movies with his mom... that's not always the case with these wing-stretching teens, and I know that.

Holiday music never fails to get me in the mood for all things Christmasy. I think I have a mix of songs for every mood--want to cry? I can probably wring a tear out of you with some sorrowful holiday song. Want to laugh? We've got that in spades (Straight No Chaser is reliable there). Want to sing a carol or two? Yep, got that too. I am grateful for all my holiday music, my music-sharing friends and all the cheer it brings. (I think Michael Buble may be my very favorite new addition this year, just SO singable-alongable, he is!)

I actually went looking for other-than-holiday music the other day. I know, seems almost sacrilegious this time of year. But I heard a voice and wanted to know who it came from. So I found her. Haven't done much exploring, but the video below is the song I heard, and I like the sentiments.

Where have I been that I just saw this song of OK Go and the Muppets? For some reason, I have had the "Are you a man or a Muppet?" song stuck in my head this week (I think it came up while making pierogies last weekend, so I'm blaming my pierogi cohorts), so I'm sharing both these songs, just in case you need a song or two stuck in your head too!

I wish I could say I was thankful for snow... I really, really want snow. But if I can't have snow, I will be thankful that we have had some sunshine this week, some beautiful blue skies and clear views of the hills. After the gray of the past few weeks, it was easy to forget what those hills actually look like!

I am so grateful for my wonderful husband, who juggles so much between work and home, and takes such good care of us. I love his joy at Christmas, and our family, and our time together. I am ecstatic at a week of him at home, and the fact that we're not traveling anywhere. Much as I wouldn't mind being somewhere else (tropical), I am glad to not make the effort to actually GET there.

I have thoroughly enjoyed the past few weeks of butter and flour and eggs and sugar, quite thoroughly indeed. But, I'm grateful to be done with holiday baking. I'm ready for some "cleaner" eating (ie less butter), for a good old fashioned January cleanse, and for my hands to heal up from constantly being in hot water (yes, I know what kitchen gloves are, and I rarely use them...)

I'm grateful to have so many reminders of my marvelous friends at the holidays. From thoughtful to sweet to personal and back around to thoughtful and sweet, I have cherished this season of cookie exchanges and music swaps and coffees and lunches and catch-up chats. I am blessed.

Under all the flour and sugar and such is our house, which I am also very grateful for. I love the holiday decorating, the candles, the fireplace, the smell of whatever is currently baking. I will be glad to reclaim the house in a less cluttered state, however, but could get used to twinkle lights all year long!

Here are some of my favorite owls on the tree this year. There ARE other ornaments, but the past few years I've added an owl here or there. This year, what with the current owl mania out in the world, I have gotten a number of them--I bought a couple and have received another few as gifts--so the tree actually has a rather owly feel... Kinda cool (if you like owls).

I have been told I have a bit of an owl "problem," but I don't see it that way. Baking... that might (have been) a problem. But owls? Pffft.

I hope that wherever you are tonight, the spirit of Christmas has caught up with you, just a little. Even if it's not a lot, just a little... What are you grateful for this week?



  1. So much to be grateful for.
    Family is always top of the list.

    Cool flashback to the Muppet movie...
    and the owly tree! Such fun!

    We did our Christmas today with Bobbie and Grandma since Bobbie goes to Greg's tomorrow.

    We also have been dragging Christmas out as much as possible.

  2. Love those sweet.

    The muppet flashback brought a smile again. The greatest part of that movie date was that all 9 of us were there together.

    Great family tree song. I am putting some thought into the design of a family tree. I was just going to say that I wasn't sure how to handle all the oddities here and there in my closet and then I got a jolt. Here and there I will draw in a skeleton to let the world know that we have some stories to tell.

  3. Oh, forgot to mention the great little pie-maker. How clever is that! And happy you had some great movie dates this week...

    Lovely list of thankfulness.
