
Friday, November 11, 2011

Friday night grateful moment

On this Friday night, looking back, the week feels long. Not because it was particularly difficult, or productive, or anything tangible. Except dark. I think the early evenings wear on me a little. So much for the fall love, eh? I do still love it, but ask me how much I like going out and about after dark? Not so much...

But still, as ever, grateful. With long weeks the list should be twice as long, right? Ha.

This week, and every week, I'm grateful for my family. Little emails, texts, notes, pictures... ways of keeping in touch. I am blessed. A friend sent me a note this week telling me how much she appreciated my mom's voice on my Facebook page, as her mom has passed away and she really loves seeing mother-daughter interaction. That was really sweet, don't you think, Ma? Thank you for being you.

I'm grateful for technology that keeps me in touch with Seth when he is otherwise housed. (How does one say that sentence? Not my favorite sentence, for sure.) Keeping in touch, again with little texts and Facebook chats, it's a better world for me because of technology.

Sunshine was around this week--we had great sunrises and some decent sunsets, and even though there's a promise of a storm tonight, so far it's pretty peaceful. I am grateful sunshine on these crisp fall days, even if it disappears around 4:30. Ugh.

Time is such a precious commodity, and I'm grateful when I get a little extra dose of time with husband. He's a gem, and we had a lovely day today, chatting together and short-road-trippin'-it.

I am grateful when I see examples of courage in our world. I read this blog post and was struck by her courage, on quite a few different fronts. Would that I could live that kind of courage every day.

A Facebook friend posted this video and I just had to share. I am grateful for humor, wherever I can find it. Laughing and finding the funny in the world around me, with all the sadness and pain, is rather critical to survival, it seems.

I busted out the Christmas music this week (and I'm grateful I did!). I blame the early release on the fact that we're celebrating Christmas with my family at Thanksgiving, so I'm in the mode/mood anyway, so why not be humming a musical accompaniment, am I right or am I right? I'm still working on my official 2011 Holiday Mix, but have been thoroughly enjoying Michael Buble's Christmas album, as well as She&Him's new holiday collection too. Good stuff.

I'm not a paid staff member of Michael's fan club, but I can't help but tease with:

How much fun is that? The whole album is really quite fab.

And since I'm already in a holiday mood, I shall inflict on you these lovely images I have pinned this week... I know, we still have Thanksgiving to go, but indulge me just a little, OK? We are past Halloween (meaning, I'm not as bad as those big box stores!). I'm grateful for the holiday season ahead.

lights (now that we're all done with those tomato cages from the garden...)

ornament (would it be MY list without a little crochet?)

ornament (how fun are these?!)

OK, I'm done with Christmas for the moment... hope it's not too soon for you to have a little holiday cheer in your heart... and in front of your eyes!

This shows you how long the week felt: I almost forgot to mention my wonderful weekend in Canada way back when (last weekend!) and the gratitude I have for my grandmother and my aunts, as well as my lovely son for making the trek through the Middle of Nowhere, Washington, to get there. I'm grateful for friendship connections, new and old, in Kelowna, and for the wonderful memories that being there always brings back for me. I had breakfast while looking out over the lake, got to crochet while everyone else played Scrabble, enjoyed picking up MJ at the airport and getting coffee together, and coerced Bobbi and Seth into being homebodies (I told you I don't like going out into the dark) and watching movies and eating popcorn on Saturday night. Capped off with a marathon Steve Jobs audio listen on the way home, and no speeding tickets (that alone is a grateful thing!) and it was a very special time.

I'm grateful for the weekend ahead, that it involves some down time, some up time, and a lot of gratitude.

What's on your thankful list this Friday night? I hope a few things make the cut.



  1. I too am grateful for technology. Tonight it seems the wind has blown out our internet service. So, we have Plan B... the 3G stick to the rescue.

    i just had to see what my faithful daughter was grateful for. It is always a highlight to read your Friday evening post. May your tribe increase.

    My favourite was the short animated gopher... very cute.

  2. And I am grateful that you take the time to write these things down--and share them here. Would that I could make such a list each day, or week. Gratitude, courage... we are all doing our best, mirrors for each other.

  3. Oh, the gopher...wasn't he a prize? Some days do feel like that.

    I read the blog of the courageous lady...look how old I am and I still am not brave to talk about some things that I need to face.

    Loved all your Christmas stuff...the list of food...groan!

    And thank you for being my daughter. Every day I thank God for you and your brother. You are a great part of my foundation.

  4. I'm getting excited about the holiday season, too. I'm just trying to remember that it's NOW, and that it doesn't *start* at the end of December. I think that's a big mistake I made in the past- getting excited for the actual HOLIDAY itself and then when it's over (or doesn't go as planned), it's just devastating to me. This year I am trying so very hard to be here now, to be in the moment, to immerse myself in these days and this gorgeous weather and the twinkling joy that is starting to pop up. I'm trying to make the holidays *now*.

  5. Love those santa hat cake pops!!!
