
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Thursday 13: 13 responses to Steve Jobs' passing

When I first contemplated posting for Thursday 13, finding 13 quotes by Steve Jobs seemed like a pretty meaningful idea. (You can tell I wasn't exactly planning ahead with a post...) That would be easy enough... right now Steve Jobs quotes are EVERYwhere. But, most of them are pretty well known already. His interviews and commencement speeches have been mined for pithy, poignant statements for years, and rightly so. Steve's serious health issues of the past decade drew him to speak about how he chose to live in the face of mortality. That, and his long-time entrepreneurial huevos... a powerful combination.

As I was doing my quote research, I happened upon an article that featured responses to the news of his passing. There were quite a few thoughtful sentiments expressed from well-known characters in politics, technology and business. So, I thought I'd share my 13 favorites of that list:

Dick Costolo, CEO of Twitter

Jack Dorsey, Twitter founder

Jason Hiner, Editor In Chief of TechRepublic at CBS Interactive

Jeff Jarvis, journalist
Joe Brown, Gizmodo Editor in Chief
Josh Linkner, entrepreneur and author

Larry Page, Google co-founder and CEO
Scott Simon, NPR commentator

Sergey Brin, Google co-founder

Shawn Blanc, technology blogger

Finally, I can't resist a few relevant words from Steve himself:

More info than you probably want, but I'm on a roll here: If you have time and interest, here's a piece written by Brian Lam (of Gizmodo) about his interactions with Steve Jobs relative to the iPhone 4 prototype debacle of 2007: Steve Jobs Was Always Kind to Me (Or, Regrets of an Asshole). 

For myself, I'm immensely sad for his family, naturally, and for all the rest of us, just a little bit. But mostly I'm glad that Steve Jobs lived the life he did (though shorter than it should have been), and that his impact will be felt deep and wide for a long time. He lived a big professional life, and drove people crazy with his vision for what could be. What a legacy.

I'm also glad for him that he got a chance to prepare to die--in my imagination, he probably didn't leave earth with things unsaid or unresolved. That's inspiring to me, to remember to live that way, every day, even without a cancer diagnosis.

What were your thoughts on hearing about Steve's passing? Anything thoughtful to share (all Apple haters can skip this part of the post, thanks!)?

For more Thursday 13s, go here.


  1. A tiny piece of my heart is broken. I know it sounds dramatic, but I can't deny the influence Apple computers (the only computers I have ever owned) have had on my life- it led me to my family, my education, my passions... I love my little Apple, my little computer. And I'm thankful for Steve Jobs for bringing it to me.

  2. It's hard to believe he's gone. So sad. He just seemed like one of those people who would always be around.

    I love that you started your post with that awesome quote of his.

  3. That I effing HATE pancreatic cancer, and I'm so sorry he had to go through it.

  4. Steve Jobs made me a Mac girl this spring. As I type on my Mac right now, I am grateful that someone like him existed in this world and that his visions had come to reality.

    Steve is right. There is no reason not to follow ones heart. The speech he made at Stanford graduation has truly inspired me. His legacy will live on.

  5. Many of us have no idea of his impact until we imagine a life without his products.

    Have a great day!

  6. A fabulous post. He's one of those people I feel lucky to have shared a space in time with.

  7. Great post. Made me tear up. I was so sad when I heard the news, for his family, or course (like you said) but for us too...he was a genius in the truest sense of the word. He left too soon.

  8. Steve has been an inspiration to anyone looking for ways to improve one's life. He was truly one of the greatest. I only regret that it took so long for me to drink the Kool Aide again.

    We started out with Apple computers in the early 90's... but our business needs took us off into the PC world until this past year when I made the shift back into Macbook. In the last year we have added 5 new Apple products to our home... and we are loving them all.

    Why does it often take a "death sentence" to get one going. What Steve did in the last 8 years eclipsed most all the rest of his life.

  9. What I probably found most inspiring and valuable about the words/actions of Mr. Jobs came in his last years when he had already brushed up along Death. His creativity and production ramped up, unbelievably, and he lost all fear. We can learn from that. We may not all have the warning that he got.
