
Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Craft reveal: Kim's birthday pillows

My dear sister-in-law Kim's birthday was in August, and I made a couple of pillows to add to her birthday package. True to form, out of sight meant out of mind--I meant to post the pictures of the completed pillows ages ago, but finally seeing them at her home this past weekend, I thought, better late than never, right?

I started this pillow before I took the hand applique class last winter, so this was fused applique with embroidered embellishment. The dots are French dots, and I could have gone a little crazier with those... I was worried about cluttering it up, but now that I see the picture, I think it should have had more...

Rather than do a ruffle around the pillow, I decided to make a ruched edge. I was happy with how that turned out.

I cut the flowers from a background, and arranged them on a different fabric background.

To go with the Carpe Diem pillow, I decided I would make a giant granny circle pillow, a la some pretty pillows I've seen on Pinterest. The fabric behind the crochet is the same fabric in the ruched border.

It's always challenging to work on crafty projects and want to share, but then need to keep them secret for a special occasion... I'm working on a few more projects currently, but trying not to stress about the 80 days until Christmas... tick tock, baby! It's a comin'.


  1. LOVE the ruched edge on the pillow, and LOVE the granny square thingie. OK, I love it all. I do. You are so talented and creative--like Martha Stewart without the evil! :) xoxo

  2. These are SO lovely!! I love the applique pillow with the flowers and that granny square pillow is beautiful. I LOVE the colors.

    I am on alert for the holidays, too. Trying to figure things out. Last year was a bit insane holidya-wise and it's made me realize how important it is to go back and figure out exactly what we love and what we don't love and make some new traditions.

  3. Beautiful job...just gorgeous and you know the way the colours of the crochet pillow match the fabrics so well...perfectly, in fact.

    Good job. Well done.

  4. oh, by the way, Christmas is coming early at your house this year, right? just sayin'

  5. Two very bright spots of joy in my room. Continual reminders of how I scored BIG time in the sister-in-heart department. Thank you again, Sher! xo
