
Thursday, September 8, 2011

Thursday 13: Link sharing (13 of them)

I've called this kind of post "reading roundup" in the past, which, frankly, as I think about it, is a somewhat annoying name. Sounds like a cross between kindergartener's reading circle and some sort of activity at the OK Corral... so I'm just calling it what it is: link sharing.

And since I have a handy pile tucked away, I thought I'd pull them out on this lovely Thursday and share them with you...

1. This blog: More Joy, Less Oy, has been in my reader for some time. I enjoy her writing style and thoughtfulness, and this post about staying pliable through tough times (Be the Bamboo), really resonated with me.

2. I thought this article from CNN seemed especially timely, what with the natural disaster uptick... even if the Pacific Northwest hasn't been in this round of wild weather, it *could* happen, and if you know our family, we like to be prepared. (Well, OK, husband is the prepared one. Seth and I are just happy to ride on his prepared coattails!) I especially found interesting the tips on storing your information online for easy access in an emergency, and an internal link to Lifehacker (an excellent resource for general info anyway) on preserving your cell phone battery life.

3. Brown-Eyed Baker is one of my favorite go-to food blogs, and in this post she chronicles her journey to full-time food blogging. Whew. What a great goal and how fabulous for her that she did it!

4. I enjoyed reading Timothy Keller's piece on Wisdom and Sabbath Rest, especially as I have not always been someone who has set a day aside in this manner. It reminded me of the days when I went full-bore seven days a week, and how much I enjoy the peace and separate-ness I feel in celebrating a Sabbath.

Also on this site (Q: ideas for the common good), I found a piece on Motherhood as Vocation. I've been on both sides of this particular topic--working mom and not--so I am always interested in what slant a writer will take... are all SAHMs just golden? Can there be balance between being a woman with passions, interests and (gasp, horror) ambition, and being there for your children? I thought the article did a good job of bridging the gap thoughtfully. I'd be curious if you do too...

5. Seth's breakfast has been a egg-muffin sandwich for a couple of years now. Sometimes two. Sometimes one and a bit of cereal. But he does love his egg muffins. I saw a take on one recently that made me think I could get into THAT; there's avocado and tzatziki in there! (Also, if you don't follow Joy Cho on Pinterest, you really should. Her style blog and her postings on Pinterest are especially hip and fashionable...)

6. If you don't get updates from this site daily, you MUST: Design Seeds. I really can't say it any more emphatically than that. Oh, it's helpful if you like color palettes and pretty pictures, but really, you MUST. It's the bomb. Or the boss, as Seth would say. See below.

7. At Mashable, I read an article on why browsing is an important aspect of information gathering, one that is lost in the more direct approach used online: searching. Something I had not really given a lot of thought to, but quite interesting when you consider how very much information exists online that you never ever know about (and truthfully, how good THAT fact is. Can you imagine? Yikes.). Not sure I really want to browse online, but I get the concept...

8. I couldn't decide who I was happier for, in this headline: Meryl Streep, Neil Diamond, Yo-Yo Ma Among 2011 Kennedy Center Honorees. Well, probably Yo-Yo Ma, but still, sounds like a lovely lineup to celebrate!

9. How did I miss this? I love Jimmy Fallon. Here he is as Charlie Sheen: Winning. Tell me you don't look twice a couple of times to see who it really is.

If that doesn't have you believing in his talent, take a look at this video below from America's Got Talent. Or better, put it on and then look away and see if he really is able to do the impressions. I did, and I think he's pretty good.

10. Toss Productivity Out, by Leo Babauta. Mr. Babauta is known for his zen schtick, and I can usually find a couple of nuggets in his posts that apply to what I'm trying to learn and grow towards. This post was no exception.

11. Mark Twain's love note to his wife. Precious, even if he did use the non-word gratefuler. (Click the link for the transcript).

12. Kindle books for under $4 from a blog called For the Love of Lit. Good to know!

13. On the always-interesting site The Browser: Writing worth reading, two recent articles caught my attention: cyber security and family history. I know, divergent interests have I!

OK, so we covered food, popular culture, religion, productivity, love, reading and online this-and-that. Whew. Hope there was a link or two there that piqued your interest!

What was your favorite link?

Happy Thursday. For more Thursday 13s, go here. And play along too, if you've got a blog. It's kinda fun.


  1. browsing...we do that every time we're on Pinterest :-)

    As I'm very interested in food and photography, the link to browneyedbaker really caught my attention

    Also, I clicked on the link to find out about Saving Your Smartphone’s Battery...that thing runs down right quick!

  2. Thanks for linking to my blog, For the Love of Lit! The Brown Eyed Baker is one of my favorite food blogs, too! :)

  3. You've got a lot of stuff here! Wow. There's just so much out there these days.

  4. I was browsing until I got to Jimmy Fallon on America's Got Talent and got hooked. I did check out some other links. Thanks!

  5. Jimmy Fallon is completely, totally underrated. Genius.

  6. I LOVE the Brown Eyed Baker link! Thank you so much!

    Have I said how much I enjoy coming here each week? Just seeing the header makes me smile. :)

    Happy T13,

    13 Random Songs

  7. Those are some great links. I love finding them. is my new fav.

    Have a great Thursday!

  8. The internet is not working well today so I haven't been able to read all your posting today. But thanks so much for all the great reads...browsings!!

  9. Fallon certainly has the wrinkled eyebrow down pat.

  10. As a child I was taught Sabbath celebration by going to church. I haven't been to church in awhile though your mentioning of the Sabbath got me thinking.... Guess what piqued my interest among all these links you shared - Mark Twain's love note to his wife! Thanks for that. Oh, I spend many hours browsing online. And that's everytime I think I am going to get sick with information overload. Great T13!

  11. Thanks for the links! I like to learn about new sites.

  12. This is a really good idea for a post - do you mind if I swipe it for a T13 when I'm short of ideas? :D

    I liked the Design Seeds site very much - that will come in useful when I'm doing my next website revamp! Thanks for sharing these.

    Happy (belated) TT!

  13. I found your T-13 both creative, informative, and unique. I especially liked that you linked to a post that you especially liked! I'm in the process of redesigning our home (on a shoestring) so thanks for "the bomb" site! (I liked many other links too) Yes, go ahead and borrow the BD theme. I share. :)

  14. Love Timothy Keller. And Mark Twain. What a lovely list you've given us.

  15. What an eclectic and interesting post. Thanks for sharing some of your favorite links with us -- and thanks for visiting this week!
