
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Link love

Downtime on the weekend makes for a little information super-highway sharing... these links have been hanging out in my drafts folder for a bit, so here they are for your viewing pleasure!

Want to get inspired? Check out these four runners who are each running 100 miles for sponsored kids in Africa. Pretty cool.

A fascinating take on gender differences in competition, as told on Daniel Pink's (of Drive fame) blog.

I love the idea of publishing a book, and I'm pretty sure I'm not alone in that one! Here's a great place to make them: I'm full of ideas on this one...

Speaking of publishing, here's a funny list of buzzwords being decoded by various literary types... so you know if someone calls your book "wildly imaginative," well, they mean you were probably on drugs when you wrote it!

As you know, I've been on the hunt for great ways to keep track of lists and things to do, etc. Here are some savvy ideas from Lifehacker on using multiple calendar views (he uses Yahoo as his example, but I'm pretty sure I can finagle something similar in Google...).

Remember Flashdance? Well, these people do too, and decided to do a Flash-dance-mob in Chicago this summer. Pretty funny. I like the little girls who want to join in...

This is a bit of a startling story about blocking people on Facebook... this woman blocked her former adoptive (abusive) mother, for good reason. The startling thing is that the mother actually thought they could be friends.

A British woman tattooed a DNR order on her chest. Really. Click over to check it out.

Found a really cool site to create your own jewelry... with out those fiddly little pliers and my really bad hand-eye coordination! Looks like fun.

Jacob, keep your shirt on! (This has been billed as "Twilight in 4 seconds." Not having seen/read anything Twilight, I just find it amusing...) (Apologies to my Twilight-ish friends for diminishing Jacob's true impact, whatever that might be... I mean, other than just taking his shirt off!)

Sleeveface is a pretty self-explanatory phenomenon. Here are a couple of funny examples:

And here are more sleeveface examples.

More publishing: a pretty online magazine called Styled.

Jessica Hische, she of the fabulous drop caps I use religiously, writes a design blog as well, and her piece on pricing design work is really good reading for any creative type thinking about assigning a dollar value to their work. As usual with these kinds of pieces, the comments make for almost as interesting reading as the piece itself.

I could just repost kottke all day, but that would just defeat the idea of YOU going over and signing up for the updates yourself, which I highly recommend. There's always something worth reading/viewing over there. The piece about sending kids through the postal service is no exception.

This article on Whole Foods and how they get you to buy more of what they want you to buy made me chuckle a bit. Think you're too clever for them? Hmmm. (Of course, the author of the article is promoting his book, Brandwashed, so it's not like he's without an agenda...)

Don Miller's writing is always thought provoking and his blog is no exception. His latest post on leading others through fear is a good one--and actually led me to the very first piece I tagged in this post on the running team. See, full circle, this blog post is. Don't say I'm too scattered. Scattered, yes, but not TOO scattered!

And because I really care about you, I leave you with this bit of wisdom: Tom Selleck's moustache makes every movie better.

I hope there's a piece or two there that piques your interest. Happy weekending! I feel better just knowing I've shared.


  1. Ok, you know which one got me laughing...those moustaches!!

    Now I will go back and read carefully all the those moustaches though. So good.

  2. Oh yes, I would love to be your neighbour...

  3. since i'm at work, i could only check out a couple of those links...sent sleeveface to Dave and read the one about the adoptive mother (too good of a word for her) and FB. Do you read robotgirl? She sometimes has some great links, too!
