
Friday, August 5, 2011

Friday night grateful moment

This week I am so grateful for a time and place to relax and get away with my men (plus one), and for some really fabulous sunny days to make the cloudy ones seem less gloomy.

I'm grateful for apple bread, and all things cheese-related (grilled cheese, quesadillas, mac-n-cheese... can you tell I've been cooking for two teen boys?), for blueberries that are still in season (yeah!).

I'm grateful for coffee, and computers that work. I'm thankful for Psych marathons with the family (and for family-friendly media, in general), for open doors and fresh air to sleep by. And for sleeping-in boys... quiet mornings!

This week I've been reminded that people (could possibly) have layers, and I'm grateful for that reminder. I've also been daily aware of the fragility of life, and the importance to love on each other while we can. And hug. Lots of hugs. I'm grateful for the innate human drive to fight and claw for life, and for the support that families can give to each other through rough times (cancer sucks, but you knew that already, didn't you?).

I'm grateful for waves, and tides, and the good old common sense that told me to turn around while driving on the beach the other day (whew!).

I'm grateful for thin crust pizza, and for really good black licorice.

I'm grateful for the ability to read and absorb information, and for helpful filters so that I don't (always) feel overloaded with too much information. I'm grateful for my iPad. A little downtime to explore, and I have renewed belief in it's ability to save the world (j/k) (mostly).

I'm grateful for such a good buddy for my son, who can be so sibling-like in affection and also in teasing. We miss you already, Jake.

I'm grateful for dreams and hopes and plans. Especially those that husband and I share for our future together. Those are my favorite.

Bunnies seem to follow me wherever I go! It must be a sign... I'm grateful there's a bunny that I get to see every day, a baby bunny that you can get oh-so-close to...

I'm grateful for friends who take and make time--thanks for a lovely catch-up lunch today, Jen. It's always lovely to see you!

I'm ever so grateful that this weekend is here, that husband's birthday will be celebrated tomorrow, and that the weekend means no working! Whoo-hoo. Now, if we can only plot the return of the sun, all will be well.

Blessings to you for your weekend. Peace.


  1. I lovelovelove everything about this post. And grilled cheese is the ultimate- I don't eat enough of it...

  2. It is such a joy to have such an abundance of fresh fruit in season... and we go from strawberries to cherries to raspberries and blue berries and peaches.

    Love the ocean and sand dune photos.

  3. When you get to a vacation spot it sometimes takes a moment or two to melt down into it so you can feel the goodness of it all around you. It does seem that you have been able to do that. For that I am thankful.

    And I am thankful that you have so much to be thankful for and the ability to see the everyday things around you as abundance.

    God bless and be well.
