
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thursday 13: Daybook musings

Outside my window... well, the sun was shining a bit ago, but now it seems to have clouded up and it's quite breezy. Great for yard work, not so great for other planned afternoon activities (see below). Clouds, begone! (OK, 15 minutes later, it appears the sun may be back. What nutty weather.)

I am thinking... that the week has gone by awfully quickly, which is fine in one way, but a bummer in others. Still working on my "pause time" machine...

I am thankful... that it's been such a great week for working outside, as Seth and Jake have been so helpful. It wasn't unbearably hot, and in fact a couple of the days were rather cool, which makes for much more energetic workers!

In the kitchen... I made baked zucchini sticks last night, and have decided I don't like them (right now, anyway). I don't know, they just didn't do it for me. So that leaves me with the ever-present "What do I do with all this zucchini?" question...

I am wearing... yard work clothes; nothing too snazzy, for sure.

I am creating... a couple of presents that cannot be spoken of... yet. Birthdays are coming for a couple of near-and-dear-to-me folk. Well, more than a couple. Yikes. Better get hustlin'.

I am going... to take Seth and Jake to the pool this afternoon. Well... hopefully. There has been rumor of a "murky pool" that had to be drained... I hope it's up and going again, as I'm supposed to meet a friend for lunch while the children romp and splash. Anyway, I don't get to see this friend very often, so I'd really rather not reschedule! Come on, kids, don't pee in the pool. Nobody actually says anything about WHY the pool is murky, but I have my theories.

I am wondering... why certain crazes just take off at certain times... I'm sure there's a Crafting Tipping Point in there somewhere, but I doubt that Malcolm Gladwell wants to take that on any time soon. Ha. Here's my biggest wonder at the moment: chevron. What's with that pattern and why would I want it on EVERYTHING? Makes me think of Charlie Brown's T-shirt, which is cute enough, but on repeat? No thanks. Oh and the other thing I'm not so fond of: when crafters do embroidery in a hoop, and then just hang the piece IN. THE. HOOP. Don't they know that the hoop is a tool used to help make the embroidery smooth and easy? Not a frame? Why didn't anyone ask me about this? That one simply drives me nuts.

I am reading... Zip. Zero. Zilch. (Well, besides ye olde internet feeds...) Finished my latest audiobook last week and as I've had company in the yard this week, I haven't jumped into anything else. I did read the People magazine with the pretty Duchess on the cover while I was at the hair stylist yesterday, but I don't suppose that actually counts as reading...

I am hoping... next week goes as quickly as this one did.

I am looking forward to... a little getaway time with my men in a couple of weeks. That will be swell.

I am hearing... the sounds of my old dying computer coming back to life? Oh that it would be so. I am cleaning it off (again) and reloading Windows. We'll see. I like blank books, so blank computers rank pretty highly up there as well (as long as my precious pictures and documents are stored properly on an external hard drive...).

Around the house... we do track in a fair bit of dirt while working in the yard. And shutting the doors behind us when we go back out to the yard? Yeah, working on that. Sigh.

I am pondering... if I'll ever really make the leap to Google+. Maybe. Right now it just seems like a lot of work. I need to get that dang tutorial Seth promised me...

One of my favorite things... continues to be cheese. And figs. And black Aussie licorice. Did I mention that I found the closest thing to authentic Aussie black licorice at Walgreens of all places? Totally by accident while with Jen in Portland, and thankfully these generic-ish stores pretty much stock the same stuff, so voila! It's here in Walla Walla too. Oh happy day.

A few plans for the rest of the week... yard work with the boys today... then pool... then weekend. Whoosh.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

My yard cherubs--that cheeky one hiding behind the trailer is mine.
They have loved driving that little mower around, very much. (But safely, always safely.)

I hope your week has been lovely too.

To see other Thursday 13 participants, go here.

To play along with the daybook concept, go here.


  1. Love your musings...almost puts me there. Great to have two boys to help in the yard this week. And it is good to see the photo of them working diligently. Boys love to have machines involved somewhere in their work program.

    Good luck with that computer business. I am surprised you haven't mentioned grey hair with all the comings and goings of computers at your desk. Just last night before bed time I was marvelling at the wonder of the internet which I do not want to be guilty of taking for granted. It is a treat.

  2. If you get that time-pause machine working, let me know!

    I'm also really interested in learning more about Google+, so if you get your tutorial, please consider sharing on another 13. I'd love your opinion. :)

    Happy #T13,

    World's Collide

  3. Hey, I'm wearing my yard working clothes too. I'm gardening,then blogging when I get too hot.

  4. I'm so into the 'not too snazzy' myself.

    Enjoy your Thursday!

  5. I need to garden but it's too bloody hot. Happy TT! I hope you get to go to the pool. That sounds nice.

  6. I've had to scale back the gardening because of the heat- yesterday and the day before I got really sick and I didn't figure out it was because I spent several hours out in the sun. Today I'm going to sneak in some seed planting this afternoon, but I'll do it inside. Doesn't feel the same, but at least my new coleus seeds can get started- I'm hoping for an orange/copper one!

  7. What is google+? Nicely packed review.

  8. I make a lot of zucchini bread this time of year. Also grilled zucchini on flatbread. And stir-fry zucchini. And zucchini in a casserole. We have a lot of it too, for a while, and then I start missing it about December.
