
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thursday 13: Daybook musings with a few scattered clouds

For today:

Outside my window... the birds stripped the cherry tree while we were away last weekend. I was happy enough giving them the top half of the tree, but I was pretty peeved to come home and find the whole thing pretty much bare. I got a half gallon or so... I bet the tree total would have been more than 100 pounds, for sure. May the birds die a gassy, fat death, that's all I have to say about that.

I am thinking... that people can be pretty tacky. And thoughtless. And needlessly cruel. I know, such a revelation. Ha. Sometimes I startle myself with these amazing a-ha moments.

I am thankful... for so very many things. Oddly enough, right now I'm really thankful for our yard. I feel like I learn a lot from the yard and the experience of caring for it. That might not make sense to anyone else, but for me, it's been a work in progress, and I'm in a good place. I shall hold onto this moment, for I'm pretty sure it will pass.

In the kitchen... I am tickled that a food blog is featuring one of my favorite asparagus salads in their summer menu series. I sent them a couple to chose from, and they picked the asparagus salad with deconstructed pesto. Makes me hungry for it! Go check it out over at Where Women Cook, if you're in the mood.

I am wearing... clothes for working in the yard. 'Nuff said.

I am creating... a weed-free existence. Ha. I think that's a pipe dream. Today I am cutting back wild and wiley junipers that have encroached on specific sprinklers... I am not especially a juniper fan, and some of these must be 20 years old, and probably need to be pulled out. But that concept alone feels quite daunting... so I shall snip and hack and trim...

I am going... to have sushi lunch with a couple of dear friends today and am looking forward to it. I ponder my options in advance. For sure seaweed salad and edamame... but for the roll... we'll see what mood I'm in when I get there...

I am wondering... how long is too long on the hair? Getting that itch to chop chop chop... but it's a breeze to put up. But hot hot hot in the summer...

I am reading... Not much actual turning the pages of a book, but listening to a bunch. Highly highly recommend the Freakonomics podcast for generally interesting information. And Timothy Keller, if you're in a God mood. I love his sermons, very much. Finished a couple of audiobooks already this summer: By Nightfall, by Michael Cunningham (good, a bit melencholy and ended too soon), and I Remember Nothing, by Nora Ephron, which it took me a while to warm up to, but I got there, and ended up enjoying pretty well. Her reading voice isn't my favorite and I really need someone's voice to be pleasant to think about listening to them for hours on end. Picky, I know! Next up, I'm going to try and get back into Water for Elephants, by Sara Gruen, and What the Dead Know, by Laura Lippman. I've started both of them a couple of times and just not been compelled, but there can be a lot of reasons for that. When I'm listening and working at the same time, my mind can go off to la-la land and get distracted, so I need to give them each another go and PAY ATTENTION. Then, if I don't like them, I'll just bag it.

I am hoping... that it doesn't top 100 degrees any time soon. I promised not to complain about the weather until it hits 100... and I will keep that promise. Love feeling warm and toasty, very much.

I am looking forward to... the weekend with husband. We have all kinds of productive plans!

I am hearing... those dang birds, out my office window. Grrr.

Around the house... it's feeling better organized. Husband went through his closet like I did mine this spring, and I have some further organization/put-things-back to do with items I'd packed up from our spontaneous remodel (ie, the flood) last winter. I found a few forgotten boxes from the kitchen... I'd wondered where my fabulous fig spoon rest from Aunt Bobbi had gone (it's been found!) as well as the potato ricer (not needed until Thanksgiving, but it's here!).

I am pondering... "Wisdom comes only when you stop looking for it and start living the life the Creator intended for you." -Hopi Proverb

This runs counter to a lot of things I assume about the acquisition of wisdom, so I will chew on it for a while.

One of my favorite things... is the sight of my son's face, especially when it's an unexpected/surprise kind of thing. Happy. And another huge favorite thing is having friends who love my son too and welcome him into their home. Huge.

A few plans for the rest of the week... um, the yard. And then, more of that yard. And a bit of pool time. And more yard.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

Daisies from Joseph a la Hipstamatic on the iPhone. Love the simplicity of that flower.

I hope your Thursday is splendid!

To see other Thursday 13 participants, go here.
To play along with the daybook concept, go here.


  1. I'm working on my yard and gardens too. I wish you well in achieving your weedfree dreams.

  2. I just scribbled that Hopi quote in my journal (I saw it at Daily Love) so it's kismet you commented on it. For me, it means I'm overthinking SO much, and I think it's really true. I do overthink a lot of things.

    And the garden... *sigh* mine is drowning in rainfall. I planted some seeds on Monday and I HOPE they make it. I hope they started to take root a tiny bit before the rain started beating on them relentlessly. We shall see...

  3. I detect a yard and garden theme, but you're at the computer?

    Love Keller's book. One of the best I've read.

  4. Wow, congrats on the recipe feature! xoxo

  5. Congrats on the feature! And I love the Hopi quote. :)

    Happy TT,

    13 Smileys

  6. So proud of you on your recipe posting...good work, girl. That is so cool. Have to go try the recipe too.

    Did I see you mention something about long hair? Your hair is lovely and I for one would hate to see you lose it but you look really cute in short hair too. Your heart is where the answer lies on that one. Long is easier to care for, no doubt about it.

    Love your musings...all of them.
