
Thursday, June 16, 2011

Thursday 13: Daybook musings, or would that be fumings?

Is fumings a word? Fuming is, so what's the plural of that? Hmmm.


For today:

Outside my window... Let's see, spin the dial... what will the weather be today... apparently it will be sunny-ish. Last night we had a brief rainstorm, with some wind, capping off a mixed, cool day... but when I checked the forecast for the next five days it is supposed to be all sunny and 70s. I'll take it, if that really happens. Lately the weather forecast seems more guesswork than actual prediction based on anything, but maybe that's just my fuming, cynical self! (Made me laugh just to type that, so...)

As for out my window specifically, the cherries are starting to ripen. I am really looking forward to the cherry crop this year, as there is not a single apricot or plum to be found on their respective trees. The cherries seem to be dropping a lot, don't know why other than maybe the cold? I don't know if that even makes sense, but I do like to blame things on the cold!

I am thinking... that I am not going to get cranked about a sporting event for a long time. (Fume. Fume.) It's just not worth it. I got all worked up about the Stanley Cup (NHL, just in case you're not a hockey fan...) the past couple of weeks, and really was somehow invested in the Vancouver Canucks having a glory moment (Canadian childhood memory moment). And... they were a depressing team, for sure. Even though they got to seven games, which they didn't deserve... I still wanted them to WIN. Sigh.

I am also thinking that I have a lot swirling around my brain about humans and choices and how we treat each other. I'm going to let it marinate for a bit rather than spew forth my opinions, but I did somehow feel the need to mention, since that's definitely what I'm thinking. Which then leads me to...

I am thankful for... second chances, opportunities to grow and learn and make better choices. I am thankful that people I know going through personal difficulties have good support. Good support is something I have been thankful for during my rough patches, and I know it will make the difference for them, as well.
From the kitchen... I am still in asparagus mode, so there's lots of that. And I'm making lunch for a couple of girlfriends tomorrow, so I'm dreaming of things that I know they'll like... Strawberries too, those are proliferating... yum.

In the immediate sense, I have two boys who woke up early and are already working away at designing a logo for their new spy business... is this real or is this still a dream?... hard to say until I get a bit more of my coffee in me. Regardless, they'll be hungry soon and needing pancakes and eggs and such... so THAT will be going on in my kitchen too, aside from the regular oatmeal grown-up breakfast...

I am wearing... clothes for the yard--shorts and a T-shirt, ratty cardigan and flip flops. Later I'll dress like a real person when we go to town--Seth and I both have appointments so we'll act like town people. That takes work in the summer!

I am creating... Finally, I'm putting together the super-colorful granny squares into a hexagonal lap blanket. I like it, and though it's a little slow going getting them all joined, it's fun to see it all come together.

I am going... to enjoy a peaceful weekend with my husband. He was supposed to be gone for work and stuck over the weekend, so this is an unexpected treat, definitely.

I am reading... Seth and I went to the library today, and I was the one who walked away with a small stack of books... It was lovely to renew our cards and look around to see what's new at the library--quite a bit! I got a cookbook: Earth to Table, which looks like a lot of fun and one that I might actually add to my collection; 20 under 40, a collection of New Yorker stories by youngish authors; The Rational Optimist, which looks interesting (if you've ever been called an optimist, and not in a positive tone, you can relate to my interest); and Everything I Know About Marketing I Learned From Google... I'm a big Google fan, so thinking this might be a goodie (I have a feeling if I looked on husband's bookshelf I would see this one already... just a hunch). We'll see. I have too many books on my shelf already, I can't believe I really picked up any more... and I'm listening to By Nightfall by Michael Cunningham on my iPod, so I've got a little fiction going on too, really. By Nightfall is a little melencholy (this is the same author as The Hours, need I say more?), so I'll probably need to do a little palate-cleansing humor (David Sedaris, naturally) afterward before diving into another new audio read. Our library now has audio downloads available on loan, and I'm looking forward to figuring that out. Anything to bring down the monthly Audible bills, eh?

I am hoping... that we have nice weather for some work-related events next week. Nothing like trying to hold a company-wide picnic and everyone stands around with teeth chattering!
I am hearing... the really super-terrific great news that my friend Jen's six-month cancer check found her free free free of cancer! That was especially lovely to hear yesterday.

Around the house... We have had a nice mixture of play and work this week. Seth upgraded his phone, so he is super-incentivized to work for some coin to pay for the data plan. We've worked together on filling in some doggy-digging holes in the yard and reseeding the lawn, some edging of beds, some weeding, a little recycling. And on the play side, a bit of hanging with friends, watching a little Battlestar Galactica, a little strawberry picking (well, Seth probably considers that work, but I think of that as play...), chilling and computing... the usual. Very peaceful. I'm a lucky mom.

One of my favorite things... is sunshine. Have I mentioned that lately? Ha. Longest. Spring. Ever.

A few plans for the rest of the week... well, given that it's Thursday, I'm living for the weekend at this point. Some good stuff on tap for next week, more yard work, a couple of work events and maybe a bit of extended girl time too... good stuff, all around.

Here is picture for thought I am sharing...

This image has been floating around Pinterest quite a bit and I thought it sounded like a good idea to try... so I did. Yikes. You should have seen me coming down the stairs yesterday... I guess it's a good thing I could actually walk... but it does remind me that maybe I shouldn't go so long between workouts? Maybe try to stay a little more active ALL the time? Hmmm. Wonder when I'll really learn *that* lesson...

Hope you have a lovely Thursday all lined up... what's on tap for YOUR weekend?

To participate in Thursday 13, go here.

To play along with The Simple Woman's Daybook, go here.


  1. I'm in "fume"-y state of mind, too. Maybe more overwhelmed right now. And not about sports, but the WNBA season is starting and I'm anxious to find my groove with it and start devoting some time to watching it and cheering some teams on.

    The weather here has been hot, but I'm so grateful it hasn't been raining every day, I sit out on my swing in the sunshine and pour sweat and deal with it.

    I'm glad to hear your friend got a clean check- that's wonderful!

  2. What wonderful good news about your friend!

    I just have to say, the big blue twitter bird--love it! :)

    Happy TT,

    13 DVR'd Shows

  3. I might try that workout week! :)

    I hope you and your husband have a great weekend!


  4. I adore you. Thanks for the happiness! Vic thinks the exercise image should be started with 1/10th of the recommendation and VERY GRADUALLY increase. I might be able to do it THAT way! :) xoxo

  5. Interesting Thursday Thirteen. I liked the way you went about it. Hope the fuming gives way to smiles.

  6. I was fuming Wednesday...but today the sun is shining and things are all better! Sorry about your team...I'm not a hockey fan, was Boston :-)
