
Monday, June 20, 2011

Noticing the Common Miracles around me... (week 6)

When I look at nature, I often see some pretty UnCommon Miracles... such beauty and intracacies...

The nasturtium leaves especially have been catching my eye lately...

The color is intensified if I use the Hipstamatic app on my iPhone...
looks like my fertilizing of the lawn really "took" last week!

My Mother's Day ladyslipper (the boys got me two years ago!) bloomed in time for Father's Day.
I love those green stripes so much.

I was just finishing picking from the magical and miraculous strawberry plants last night (see below), and looked up to see the sky doing it's summer thing. The last couple of days, it finally feels like summer... a miracle!

Apparently our strawberry plants mean business. So far we've picked every three days, and averaged 10-15 pounds each time. Amazing. Not tired of strawberries yet...

Lately it's been the littlest things that seem miraculous:

Downloading rather random podcasts and finally listening to a devotional one a week later and having it be exactly what I needed to hear, right that moment.

An appreciative word from my husband.

A text from Seth.

Finding pleasure in weeding the garden.

Noticing the kind ways that people can, and often do, treat each other.

Color... being in the most colorful season is just lovely. The peonies are done, but here come the daisies! And nasturtiums! And pincusion flowers!

To see other Common Miracle participants, go to Chel's blog and learn how her project started.

What Common Miracles have you noticed lately?


  1. Beautiful sky shot -- love it! I continue to be amazed by clouds. :-)

  2. Love the Audrey's to happy girls!
