
Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Thursday 13: Cupcakes!

If you look back at yesterday's Wordless Wednesday, you'll see that cupcakes have been on my mind. I made a bunch for a work event, and it reawakened my cupcake love, for sure. In looking around for recipes and ideas, I saw a lot of fun cupcakes, and thought I'd share 13 of my favorites...

1. Check out these Guitar Hero cupcakes. Those would make the teenagers happy, eh? Also from the same site, I saw these periodic table cupcakes (below). While I can't say the execution is up to snuff, I do like the concept. Maybe if I'd had those in junior high, memorizing the periodic table would have been easier?

2. Hungry caterpillar cupcakes, for the toddlers among us...

3. And corn on the cob cupcakes, for the grownups. How fun are those?

 4. Such cute peep cupcakes, and in a rainbow array, too! (I will remember those for next Easter!)

5. I love these orange cupcakes--especially the idea of baking in the orange peel. Clever and yummy!

6. Dahlia cupcakes... I love the colored sugar on the petals! So pretty.

7. Hamburger cupcakes: these would be another hit with the kids, I'm sure.

8. Sunflower cupcakes, so sunny and summery! I saw another recipe that had chocolate-covered sunflower seeds in the middle (rather than the chocolate cereal pictured here), which would be cute and easy as well.

9. In keeping with the current owl obsession that seems to be everywhere, here are some very cute owl cupcakes.

10. I love the dressed-up look of these super-elegant white cupcakes. These would be great for a wedding.

11. Apple cupcakes for teacher appreciation week. (Or, to make the whole "an apple a day keeps the doctor away" concept that much easier to swallow!)

12. Black Forest cupcakes from our friend Martha Stewart. (I'm sure it's no surprise to you, but she has a LOT of great cupcakes on her site.)

13. And how incomplete would this list be without rainbow cupcakes?

I think I'm ready for some of those orange cupcakes, soon. Which one is your favorite?

For more Thursday 13s, go here.


  1. I think I might try the hamburger ones! :D

  2. Ohhh- I love the Dahlia cupcakes- so pretty! But I love a flavored cupcake, so the orange ones sound fascinating.

  3. So many creative cupcakes! The apple ones and the Guitar Hero sure look good. I love the idea of the periodic table.

  4. oh, the corn ones were awesome! What a creative idea :-)

  5. I love them all. I think that my favorite might be the hamburger or the Sunflower. The hamburger would be a ton of fun, but they look kinda gross...You might really enjoy this website I found a whole back. It is called and you can find all sorts of great crafts and food ideas. Several of the same cupcakes are on this site as well but there are a ton more. PS Great Post!!! Who doesn't love cupcakes?

  6. Felicia: I love Pinterest, maybe a little too much... I found your boards and repinned some pretties. Thanks!

  7. The Caterpillar was way cute. I can see making that for my little grandson one of these days. :)
