
Tuesday, April 26, 2011

My wee royal wedding collection

While I don't consider myself a complete nut for all things royal, there are probably those who would disagree...

I have been known to buy tabloid magazines (People, etc., not the wild stuff like The Star or The Inquirer!) with the rationalization that a royal figure is on the cover, and my love for all things Princess Diana has been well-known for many years... And I did, after all, stand in the rain for hours in 1986 for the chance to see her come to Kelowna, B.C. (during the Expo '86 tour of Chuck&Di), and just happened to get to shake her hand, and then of course didn't wash said hand for ages. As in, weeks. And I do remember exactly where I was (at a party) in 1997 when I heard she'd been in an accident, and I went home that night fully expecting to hear that she was fine, just in the hospital, and sat glued to the telly all during the funeral... Yep, just your average, run-of-the-mill royal freak...

So, of course, it was with a little bit of joy that I anticipated Prince William's engagement and soon-to-happen wedding to the lovely Kate Middleton. And, in addition to the requisite magazines (no books yet...) and commemorative publications, I have indulged (and been indulged with) a few little pieces of memorabilia.

I thought I would share...

My dear friend Laura went with her family to London for spring break and brought me back this mug (with appropriate tea, too!). I love how official it looks. Thank you so much for kicking off my royal wedding season, Laura!

I spotted a little ceramic company online and HAD to get this mug. It just arrived yesterday and I LOVE it. It feels all delicate and fine-china-y too, which you know means I will break it in about a week or so... nuts. I really hope not.

Lastly, here's my nod to the tea towel. I found this little gem at a shop on Etsy, of course.

Remember the famous saying (but can't remember WHO said it, I think maybe her sister Sarah?), when Di wanted to back out of the wedding and she was told she couldn't, because her face was on the tea towels? Yeah, not a great thing to think back on when remembering your wedding. Sad beginnings... sad ending too.

But enough of sadness. This is going to be one happy, happy wedding, I can feel it. And you can see it, watching those two grown up people (no silly 19-year-old virgins here!) look forward to a life together. That girl Kate knows what she's in for, it seems, and kudos to her for still signing up. She must really love that boy Wills!

I'm looking forward to watching the hullabaloo, even though I know that will make me one sleep-deprived girl for my all-day meetings on Friday. Sigh. But some things are worth it. Try not to be too jealous of my tiny little royal wedding collection. (But I totally understand if you can't help it.)

Are you staying up to watch the royal wedding?


  1. Staying up? I was thinking about maybe setting my alarm for the actual ceremony at 3:00 a.m., but still haven't decided...guess I could record it, but somehow it's not the same.

  2. You gotta check these out too:
    (I love the "It Should Have Been Me" plate.)

    I'm not sure if I'll be staying up to watch the wedding live, but I'll definitely be buying a tabloid mag with all the facts. I'm oh-so-jealous of your teacups!

  3. My husband and I have a little breakfast tea planned, and will rise at 4 a.m. We typically get up at 5 a.m. for work, so it's no big deal to get up an hour earlier. Your wee royal wedding collection items are great.

  4. @Robin: You make a good point. I doubt my ability to fall asleep, but I'll give it a whirl. I will have my dvr on BBC America, for sure. Whatever I miss, I'll catch up on.

    @Jen: I can only imagine those plates are flying off the shelves!

    @Debbie: Fab idea on the tea. That will get me the jump start on caffeine, too!

  5. i'm totally jealous of your collection! i won't stay up. i have a toddler who runs me ragged, but i'll be watching all the post wedding chatter, and hopefully will be able to see the dress and get all the details that i'm dying to know...

  6. I've been glued to TLC all week and I'm fully planning on waking up at the crack of dawn on Friday to see the wedding festivities live!
