
Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday night grateful moment

Tonight really may be a Friday night grateful moment... I am sleepy already, and it's only 7:30... this puppy is hoping for a long, restful night of sleep. All this rain has put me into a mossy, soggy coma. Am I complaining? Maybe... And here I'm supposed to be grateful... hmm...

OK, I'm grateful. Yes, I am. For...

Seth's safely back on this side of the state from his problem-solving competition. His team placed well, and he seemed (from the monosyllabic texts I received, for which I am still grateful) to have a good time. We'll get the full-meal-deal report when he's home home on Monday...

Husband and I had a little afternoon getaway today to TriCities: dinner out at PF Chang's, supplies restocked in our Costco tradition (doggies will be happy to get their treats tomorrow!) and poked around a couple of other shops. I won't talk about the rain all the way over and all the way back, and the whole time we were there, I'll just be thankful that we're home safely and had a good time together.

I'm grateful for my family, that they are safe and well, each in their respective corners of the world.

I'm grateful for friendship, the joy of sharing and understanding, knowing and being known. I am blessed to have good friends, many/most who have known me for a long time. They've seen me through, oh, a lot. And the newer ones who know me in this current life, mostly... well, they're pretty precious too. 

I'm grateful for health. I do feel fortunate that my family is well, I am well, most of our loved ones are well; and the ones that aren't quite as well as we'd like are in our thoughts and prayers, daily.

I'm grateful for color. The green all around us right now is spectacular. A little sunshine would help in the viewing, is all I have to say about that. But I am grateful for the green! I also joined pinterest awhile back and am starting to get into the site a bit more... it's such a new-to-me concept, but I'm figuring it out. If you're a pinterest person, let me know and I'd love to "follow" you. I started a board called Rainbow Love (duh!) which already has some color love on it... find me!

I'm grateful that stitches can be ripped out. As needed. And this week I've ripped out a bit...

I'm grateful for warm toes. I made the mistake of going sockless today, and about half way through our TriCities trip, my feet turned to little blocks of ice. Handily, I had bought some socks earlier in the afternoon, so I popped them on (so what that they didn't match my shoes or pants, right?!). I am now home, with even warmer sock on!

I'm grateful for words. Always. Here's my latest quote find: Give up to grace. The ocean takes care of each wave till it gets to shore. - Rumi

I'm thankful for cuteness. Even (or especially?) in these times of work-work-work-go-go-go for so many of us, it's amazing how a little animal can just bring a smile to your face! I found a site that will overwhelm you with cuteness, and shared it on Facebook today. I had to share it here too. CuteRoulette. This little bunny is just the start... I dare you to watch just one.

I'm thankful for chocolate. I don't know where my sweet tooth has come back from, but it's back, with a vengeance! Just in time for Easter treats. How handy for me... how sad for the Easter stash... I might have to go out for replenishments for the Easter baskets or it will be a sad day for the nieces...

I'm thankful for the weekend. For a little time of rest (well, maybe a lot of rest, if I get my way!) and praise, for a pause to reflect and be thankful, for some great downtime (chat/plan/more chat) with husband, and for prayer:
For each new morning with its light,
For rest and shelter of the night,
For health and food, for love and friends,
For everything Thy goodness sends."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

I hope your weekend brings good things to your doorstep, and may there be sunshine too!

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