
Friday, April 1, 2011

Friday night grateful moment

So much sunshine today helped this list practically write itself. As I think I said umpteen times today, sunshine makes EVERYTHING better, doesn't it? (75 degrees doesn't hurt either!)

But in particular, sunshine has made THESE things better:

Seth is home for spring break, and I'm grateful for that. Give a little, get a little, they say, and I'm glad to be in the "get a little" portion of our time with him.

The fields and surrounding areas are getting green, and beautiful. I'm grateful to live in such a beautiful valley.

I got a surprise package in the mail today, from my friend Janet over at Fond of Snape. What a dear. It was a piece by Rachel Olsen Awes, and the one I would have picked had I won Rachel's giveaway. Just a lovely thought, and I'm grateful to them both--Rachel for her gift of art and words, and Janet for her thoughtfulness.

This poem found its way into my email inbox today, and it spoke to me (and the rest of the eager-for-summer people I know, I'm sure). I'm grateful for writers and their words.

Long Winter
So much I've forgotten
the grass

the birds
the close insects

the shoot—the drip—
the spray of the sprinkler

the heat of the Sun

the impossible

the flush of your face
so much

the high noon
the high grass

the patio ice cubes
the barbeque

the buzz of them—
the insects

the weeds—the dear
weeds—that grow

like alien life forms—
all Dr. Suessy and odd—

here we go again—
we are turning around

again—this will all
happen over again—

and again—it will—
-Tim Nolan

I'm grateful for colorful ideas and inspiration, like this amazing applique project at dutch comfort.

What the final quilt will look like. Wow.

And these plates I found at Target from one of my favorite illustrators at The Wheatfield, Katie Daisy. Love her stuff!

I am grateful for seasonal marshmallows. I know, how strange of me. But, it's true. I saw a giant bag of giant bunny marshmallows today and HAD to get them; I say "for the boys," but really... I am very into these bunnies. They are scrumptious.

Had lunch out with husband today at Panda Express. I've never been there before, not anywhere. It has been generally considered a good thing that we now have one in our little burg... sure, I guess. It was fine. OK. Nothing special. But my fortune? Read below. I'll take a helping of that, thank you very much. I'm grateful for little serendipitous moments.

I'm grateful for time together with my little family. Can you tell I'm thrilled that it's spring break? Have I mentioned it yet? Do I seem a bit excited? Ha.

And grateful for my husband and our solo time too. Our evening chats while I'm stitching away, our morning chats as he heads out the door... we're good chatters, for sure!

And so grateful for my friends--a day trip to TriCities with some fabulous finds along the way, a lovely lunch with another dear friend, and all the happy texts and chats that make my weeks hum along. (Insert humming noises here.)

Not sure what I'm grateful for here, but I have to mention that I'm thrilled that Richard Blaise won Top Chef All Stars. He was my No. 1 pick from the get-go, and while I got pretty Antonia-cheering there toward the end, I must say that I was tickled pink to hear his name called (even though I was watching a day later and already knew he'd won). His nervous energy and self-doubt--while I am dearly glad I don't have to live with it--gives him a distinct edge, I believe, and I just think he's top-notch. Luckily, so did the judges. There you go: I'm grateful the judges agreed with me (they rarely do!).

I'm grateful for the chirping birds, the longer twilight, the peace and quiet of our abode... and the weekend. Blessings to you as you embark on your own weekend adventure, whatever it brings your way.


  1. Love this post- so much goodness :) And I totally agree with Top Chef, I was so excited when Richard won! I was almost relieved when Antonia was eliminated before the final two, because I was starting to really root for her. But I've always love Richard, so I was happy to see him take the crown.

  2. Heavenly sunshine! What would we do without sunshine to soothe our souls? Great post, good reasons to be thankful. Have a lovely spring break!

  3. I enjoy seeing your projects. What a wonderful grateful list. Enjoy your spring break at the coast... what a great spot.

  4. We're hearing the spring peepers here and I love them! Not even Friday's little snow storm could quiet them :-)
