
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Daybook musings...

For today:

Outside my window... sunshine, and that is marvelous. And lots of green. Green grass, green shoots in the pasture, green hills beyond...

I am thinking... that the week should be longer and wishing for better weather to be forecast for the whole week. I have a feeling I'm going to lose my outdoor time to wind and rain...

I am thankful for... so many things. But specifically today I am thankful to be married to my best friend. That's a good thing.

From the kitchen... yesterday was a soup day (rain), but today I'm thinking it should be a little more leaning toward spring... stirfry? How do I make a stirfry spring-ish? I will ponder... maybe asparagus?

I am wearing... Tan khakis and a cream corduroy shirt... can we say Eddie Bauer? And no socks. Not sure if we're quite to no-sock weather, but I'm stepping out. But still, no open-toed shoes. My hairdresser did my hair yesterday wearing flip flops--brrrrr!

I am creating... a new blog banner. Stay tuned! Oh, and a bunch of bunnies and duckies and other little stuffed things for Easter. (You'd think I had a house of toddlers, the way I've taken to the stuffed animals...)

I am going... to study the fruit of the spirit this morning with a bunch of lovely ladies. Can't wait to hear what Beth Moore has to say to ME. It always feels like she's talking. Right. At. Me. Ha. Scary and comforting, all at once.

I am reading... a new-to-me book on C.S. Lewis that I picked up at our favorite discount bookstore on the Oregon Coast. I am a big C.S. Lewis fan. I am also a huge discount book fan!

On my mind... pondering future plans. Near future and far future. Both are exciting to think about, but my brain works better on near future... luckily, husband's brain works quite well on the far future, so we're a good team on these discussions.

Around the house... I am measuring for new blinds in a few rooms. This is very happy news. We are going to go room by room so it doesn't get overwhelming... there are a few rooms where the blinds have been not working properly since we first moved in, so those will come first...

One of my favorite things... is sunshine. Have I mentioned that before? Perhaps.

A few plans for the rest of the week... hoping to fit in a little gardening if the wind and rain stay away, a few meetings relating to nonprofit work and work-work, and a visit from a friend and her kids as well as a lovely ladies lunch. Oh boy. That's a good week!

A photo to share...

 OK, so the bunny needs work. He looks a little like a zombie mouse...

To participate in the Daybook concept, go here. And have a great Tuesday, whatever you're up to! What are you up to? Tell me!


  1. Yet another blog header coming? I love the one you have. But I guess you have had an inspiration and won't be satisified until you do it... so come on girl... let's see it.

  2. Great! My internet is working right now so I will gladly say good work! Every time I turn around I say to Marilyn, oh,who do you think would like that? It is usually green or has something to do with Easter bunnies or chicks...have a great time.

    So nice you could say what you did about your husband being your best friend. That is so valuable!

    Love your musings...what fruit did you look at today?

  3. Diggin' the Easter-y critters!

  4. I really liked the idea behind this post but since I am a day late, I missed it.

  5. love bunny zombie mice ;) Saw one on Etsy yesterday as well as a zombie tea bag LMAO!
