
Thursday, March 24, 2011

Thursday 13: Daybook musings...

For today...

Outside my window... we've had almost nightly visits from a big barn owl, lately... we named him Owen. I love his hoots so much, I hope he sticks around for a long time. I like owl hoots so much more than dogs barking...

I am thinking... that there are a lot of people in pain, and then I also think that a lot of people (myself included) don't always make the wisest choices. And the correlation between the two? Sadly quite strong.

I am thankful for... the fact that my cold cleared up so quickly. I keep hearing stories about people who are still fighting coughs and colds two and three weeks later.

From the kitchen... pizza plans tonight... and I'm going to make extra dough to make Seth a few calzones for his school lunches.

I am wearing... yoga pants and t-shirt... thinking about doing some yard-ish stuff this morning, so I will need to add a layer or two to stay warm out there...

I am creating... a hand-turned applique project for a class I'm taking. And also still continuing with the granny square crochet project, where I discovered that about half the squares I did with a 4.0 needle, and half with a 4.5 needle. So, now there will be TWO granny square projects. Sigh.

I am going... to take a good girlfriend over to TriCities for her birthday next week. Well, her birthday is the following week, but we'll do the celebrating early, as we're both headed out of town that following week--spring break!

I am reading... Blue Like Jazz with Seth. I'm enjoying it, quite a bit. Donald Miller's got a circuitous way of getting to the God stuff, but that's kind of his point, I guess. God is in the little stuff, and in everything.

On my mind... are all things related to spring. And, all the things I need to do to get ready for planting. It seems that every day I have time to be outside for a goodly chunk of time, it's raining. And on the days I'm full up with "stuff," it's sunny. Go figure. (Knock on wood, I'll get a little bit done today.)

Around the house... things are good. Back to normal (at least, as normal as we get...). Peaceful. Quiet. Ah.

One of my favorite things... is peace and quiet.

A few plans for the rest of the week... cleaning, cooking, maybe even mowing the lawn for the first time, getting ready for my sister-in-law's birthday, a bit more office-type work, and maybe, just maybe, a little attack on some of the longer-term projects. What, only two days left this week? Nuts.

And a window into my life...

This is a little piece of the applique project...

Hope your Thursday is marvelous. For other Thursday 13 participants, go here.

To connect with the daybook concept, go here.


  1. I like your post--it's like a poem. Clever idea. I may borrow it if that's okay. Thanks.

  2. oh it would be so cool to hear an owl outside my window! And unfortunately I can relate to #2. I'm SO pissed at myself for letting myself gain back all the weight.

  3. But if the correlation between pain and choices is strong, isn't that good? It means we have control.

  4. love the applique. haven't really done any, but i just finished a baby quilt. yes, i finished a project. i said it out loud. it really happened.

  5. Your applique is beautiful...wonderful work and yes your blog is rather like a poem...a poem about your life.
