
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Thursday 13: Daybook musings...

For this lovely Thursday...

Outside my window... it is really looking like spring this morning. Blue skies with a few clouds, and birds chirping. Seems like a quick switch this week, I hope it continues in the general direction of warmth.

I am thinking... that I have a list of things to do today, and I had better get crackin'.

I am thankful for... a safe, quick trip to Seattle yesterday, and for good meetings and a lovely dinner with a friend.

From the kitchen... we are currently living off leftovers... I might need to get a few groceries so we can eat something new (and tasty) this weekend!

I am wearing... black corduroys and a khaki top. Need to start thinking a bit more spring-like in the wardrobe department... I've been black and brown and gray for months... time to infuse a bit of color!

I am creating... still working on my granny squares. Loving the color... going to have a little crafty session with a friend this morning at her studio. Oh joy.

I am going... to take Seth and go see my Grandma! There are these three wildly unexpected days off school next week. Conferences. I know, I could check the school calendar occasionally. I'm pretty sure they aren't "wildly unexpected" to everyone. Just me! So, we'll take advantage of a couple of those days and make the trek north. Very happy to be able to do taht.

I am reading... Flickering Pixels: How Technology Shapes Your Faith, by Shane Hipps, just started... Seems like it's a bit of a let's-bash-technology kind of book, but maybe I'm jumping the gun... I'll keep you posted. It obviously spoke to me enough in concept that I downloaded it...

I am hoping... to be able to articulate myself later today. I have a meeting where I need to bring a fairly unformed idea forward and get some feedback. Wish me luck.

I am hearing... dogs barking.

Around the house... things are feeling good... other than the sunshine streaming through those dirty windows! I may need to do something about those this weekend...

One of my favorite things... is talking. Ha.

A few plans for the rest of the week... well, it's almost over, so I'll tell weekend plans. Nothing. Zippo. Zilch. And very much looking forward to all of that nothing, definitely. (Maybe a little window cleaning?)

Here is picture for thought I am sharing... of an amazing sandwich and polenta fries that I shared with a friend in Seattle yesterday. It was heavenly. The whole meal was lovely... we ate a lot and talked a lot; nice to catch up, Kari!

The daybook concept can be found here.

There are some fun blogs over at Thursday 13, check them out!


  1. That meal is so exquisite and I am starving !!Sandy

  2. OMG, the polenta fries....OMG, yum!

  3. I haven't had polenta fries. there were on the menu where I was tonight and I was that close.

    yes, spring sun will warm up all the wardrobes. it's like early crocuses

  4. Amazing looking fries and sandwich. Wow! How did they do those fries? Did you dissect them and analyze them for sharing?

    Hope your day went well with your presentation.
