
Friday, February 18, 2011

Friday night grateful moment

I have a week bit 'o guilt about not posting much this week... not even on Valentine's Day, with our yummy dinner and especially yummy dessert (which I will post soon!). Ten Word Tuesday hardly counts, no matter how wise the words are... It was, indeed, a whirlwind week. But finally, after the busy-ness wound down, we have arrived at Friday night, with all the peace and rest that that implies. Ah.

As I was catching up on my Google reader feeds--yes, behind on those too--I sensed a trend of thankfulness. I thought I would share a few with you as my thankful list this week. I am indeed thankful (shocking, I know!) when I run into gratitude anywhere, and the web is a great place to share it.

I met Rachel through Thursday 13, and her posts are always filled with fun and sports (she's a big big Texas Ranger fan) and love of family. Her Thursday 13 this week was all about thankfulness. Nice.

This post from A Design So Vast made me a laugh, in an all-too-familiar way...she wrote a letter to her body for all that she's thankful for... and a number of things she's not.

At Coming Home to Roost, Bonnie posted a visual (see above) of a thankful list she found at an Etsy shop. I love it! She put her own list in the comments of her post--check it out. And take a look around Laura George's Etsy shop too. Very cute.

My own mom and dad have thankful lists they post from time to time. Ma's most recent thankful post was about memories, and included a sweet sweet picture from the past. Pa's most recent post was less thankful (more like, UN-thankful), about the diminishing size of available artichokes in their grocery store. No one gets between that man and his artichokes! But still, he's thankful for the artichokes themselves, right Pa?

Meg over at Whatever is always an inspiration to me with her rainbow ways and crafty cheer. Her post about being featured in an upcoming magazine and the thankfulness she has for that... awesome! The title of the post is "I am Constantly Surprised." I can relate to that--in both the good and the not-so-good of life.

Two blogs I follow--Sara at What's On My Mind and Typical Libra--both recently posted a Daybook entry, which always, of course, includes the "I'm thankful for..." line.
Sara: I'm thankful for... a dad that will spend almost 3 hours in stand still traffic on an iced-over highway to come pick me up from my dorm and bring me home just because he doesn't want me to drive.
Typical Libra: I'm thankful for...the warmth in my living room. I know it is a simple thing but this winter warmth is pretty big deal!

Positive Thoughts; a blog with that name is bound to have some gratitude, right? This recent post reminded me of the days when I have had to start with the basics of thankfulness and build from there.

I really enjoy Sarah's writing, and her post just yesterday, Right Here, Right Now. about living in the moment and being grateful for each day was a nice reminder to take life day by day.

So these are a few places I saw thankfulness this week. What about you? Where did you see thankfulness? And what are you thankful for on this Friday night?


  1. Thanks for the shoutout! I love participating in the Daybook every month. Also, you should totally do the Dialect Vlog. It's so much fun.

  2. Thanks for all the extra reading...there are so many talented people unafraid of expression. So many good ideas and not enough time.

    Just the other day as I was working outdoors gathering debris from the winter storms, I clearly saw again, for the thousandth time that physical work is very good for us and I am thankful we have so much to do. What would we be doing without work?

  3. Thanks for sharing all these websites--I especially liked the Positive Thoughts blog and the Letting Go Poem.

  4. You always have the BEST links, not to mention posts :-) Typical Libra is my friend IRL, btw...she's amazing!
