
Monday, January 10, 2011

Weekend info-gathering roundup #3

It's been awhile since I've posted one of these weekend ready roundups... And while I didn't spend a great deal of time reading online this weekend, but what I did find, I enjoyed!

I did of course track the horrible shooting in Arizona and was just amazed to follow Rep. Gabrielle Gifford's progress through surgery and now into recovery. Truly a miracle that she has made it thus far! A lot of credit can go to the quick help she got from her calm, young intern, and the ability to get her into surgery within 45 minutes of the shooting.

I got inspired to maybe join in an online painting class... but then I decided that painting isn't probably one of my main areas of focus this year, so I'll just pass this idea along. (Sure looks like fun, parents of mine!)

Loved this post and graphic about TED. If you don't know about TED, do check it out. A whole lot of information, well done. You could completely lose a weekend or two to TED (and be the better for it, too.) (Or at the very least, your brain would be FULL.)

I am always on the hunt for new and fun fonts. Check out these ones, billed the "top 10 innovative fonts of 2010." How hard would it be to have to come up with an "innovative" font, given all that currently exist. Hard, I'm thinking.

I found a small collection of downloadable poems by a new-to-me author, Tara Mohr, called The Real Life. Check it out. Now THIS kind of thing might fit in more with my focus...

Also in the design sphere, I found an inspiring group of logos (word marks, more like) on a design site where I would like to spend more time, definitely.

In the vein of photography, I saw a number of bloggers who are participating in 365 Project. Shutter Sisters is one such blog, and the Digital Photography School site had some great ideas for making themes of the project. (Nope, not in my focus. Trying to stay focused!)

Through blog-hopping, I found a creative blog with illustrations that I will return to read again.

And what weekend would be complete with out at least looking at a few recipes? Doesn't this picture and recipe just scream "Spring!"? Why, yes, yes it does. And I can't wait for spring, but I'm pretty sure I don't have to wait to make this yummy pasta!

Hope you had a lovely weekend! Now off to the week... working on my focus. Mindful focus. Om.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Had to remove my last comment because sometimes, if I am not watching, the silly word from the verification goes into my comment...

    Loved your offerings yesterday. Ted was great, the fonts, the logos, everything tip top!!

    Thank you, yet again.
