
Friday, December 17, 2010

Friday night grateful moment

So, how about that week? Crazy in many ways. Busy, wild, stressful, happy, chaotic; you name it, I've probably had that emotion pass through me. But so so glad to be at the end of it, with my men, relaxing and contemplating the week or so ahead of us, filled with family and relaxation and lots and lots of love. Definitely doing a happy dance tonight!

I am most grateful for the wonderful news this week that dear friend Jen has received the "COMPLETE REMISSION" seal of approval from her cancer doc. How fabulous is that?! Jen, I am so over-the-moon for you, and so very tickled for Victor and the kids too. I think that's just about the bestest Christmas present. Ever. Can't wait to truly celebrate with you in person.

This week I am, as ever, grateful for my husband, who tends to know what I need when I need it, and who is longsuffering in ways you can't imagine. Trust me.

I was so happy to pick up my dance-a-jig son from school today! I am so grateful for the way he fills the house with his smiles and hugs.

I had a long-awaited lunch with some favorite ladies today and we shared and laughed and chortled over some amazing food. I enjoyed my second holiday cookie party this week with a room full of lovely ladies who shared cookie stories and other stories and generally toasted in the holidays quite merrily. I am grateful for friends, for our support of each other through good times and not-so-good times, for the laughter and the history and the affection.

I catered the company Christmas party yesterday and it was fun to do, as always. But I am so grateful for the help I get from a few lovely ladies who assist with getting the food out, keeping it stocked and generally help with taste testing as well! I couldn't do it without them, truly.

I am grateful for the sunny days. We had a couple gloriously sunny days this week and between the sun and my ovens going overtime, the house was warm warm warm. Even though the windows show their dire need of cleaning, I am grateful for the sun shining through them.

I've been a little bit slow to get into the holiday spirit this year, go figure. Between the house "stuff," and the life "stuff," there have been a lot of distractions from merriment. But I'm finally getting there... and I saw this really great photo array that helped get me on my way toward ho-ho-ho. Check it out.  (Doesn't that Santa just make you want to be in Hawaii? It certainly does make me long for that place...) I'm grateful for the holidays. For the chance to pause and reflect on what's really important, and to celebrate the people in our lives.

I hope your weekend is joyful and restful and full of all the things you wish for!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Happy for your friend Jen.

    Happy for some ho-ho-ho in your life again.

    Happy for Hawaii.

    Happy for good photos.

    Happy for you and yours!!!

  3. congrats to Jen! Oh, and I was driving to work the other morning when I saw a car with the license plate "mahalo" so I gave them that same hand sign Santa on the surfboard did LMAO!
