
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Thursday 13: Food Network Canada: 13 recipes from the community

F oodNetwork Canada has a Twitter account, which I follow sporadically... I haven't been the most faithful Twitterer lately, but whenever I do scroll through my feed, there's usually a yummy-sounding/looking recipe or two from our neighbors to the north...

I think most of these are member-submitted to the site; they have a great community of food bloggers who take pictures of recipes they've tried and send them in.

Here are 13 recipes that sound pretty yummy to me!

 12. Dill loaf

Thursday 13 is back! Literally--Janet was out with unexpected back surgery, but is home, recovering and able to sit at her computer again. Whew.

To see more Thursday 13s, go here.


  1. I want nos. 3, 7, 8 and 11! I'm also happy that T13 is back :-) Now I'm hungry... yummy this post is.

  2. Oh, lots of yummy options. Thank you for the eye feast and the recipes. Now I'll have to decide what to work on. :O)

  3. Sour cream apple coffee cake. OMG that sounds sooo delicious. It seems a few of us have a food/recipe theme this week. Happy T13!

  4. Even the stuff I'm allergic too looks wonderful! Thanks for letting me know about the twitter community. There are probably a few food network communities I'd love to follow.

    Happy TT

    13 Foods For Breast Health

  5. everything----yummy.
    Except the goat cheese. EWWWWW

  6. some real winners there I'm trying 3 cheese penne - upside down peach and 5 others!!Thanks sandy

  7. 2, 3 & 6 sound best to me! And hey...that would make a great dinner :-) My Mom used to make a great sour cream coffee cake.

    And thanks :-) I'm glad to be back!

  8. That mousse is looking rather inviting right now.

    Have a great Thursday!

  9. OMG MMM Brown butter cupcakes. ZOMG they look so good!

  10. It all looks like comfort food to me...move over and give me a fork!! Maybe I can fatten up my company next weekend with some of these goodies, eh? (from the true north, strong and free!!)

  11. They all sound so yummy! Except for the beets.

    Thank you for visiting and commenting on my blog :)

    Have a great weekend!

  12. Thanks for featuring my pictures and links (gougères and chocolate mousse). In future, would you mind letting me know you would like to use my photos? Many thanks.
