
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Thursday 13: Daybook musings...

D aybook (read: random) time again. This week has been really full, so short and sweet suits me fine...

1. I am thinking… that one of these nights I really need to get more than six hours of sleep.

2. I am thankful for… beautiful fall weather. Crisp, cool, colorful...

3. From the kitchen… French onion soup! I have really enjoyed my first batch of the season. Warm with cheesey goodness...

4. I am wearing… my fuzzy robe. One of these days I need to blog this list while wearing something other than my robe... I swear I do have real/regular/grown-up/leave-the-house clothes. Honest.

5. I am creating… a fall playlist from some new iTunes finds... maybe next week I'll actually have my act together enough to share it.

6. I am going… to fall asleep quickly tonight and sleep straight til 6 a.m. See, if I say it, maybe it will be so.

7. I am reading… Tracy Anderson's 30-Day Method. We'll see. I'm highly doubtful of her use of the word perfection, but she's been known to work wonders, so they say. I'll keep you posted.

8. I am hoping… that Darby and Ruby can get their issues sorted out. Maybe it's time for Cesar? We could use a housecall from the Dog Whisperer, definitely.

9. I am hearing… Modern Family on the TV. That whole family makes me laugh!

10. Around the house… it's pretty quiet. Ready for boy to come home, oh yes.

11. One of my favorite things… being understood. Who doesn't love a little of that?

12. A few plans for the rest of the week… some work, some girl time, a little non-profit board stuff, and a retirement party for a real local hero. Pretty full the next couple of days!

13. A picture to share…

Happy Thursday 13! For more Thursday 13 participants, go here. For the whole daybook thing, go here.


  1. Nice list, especially #2. Enjoy your weekend!

    The Food Temptress

  2. So what's wrong with warm fuzzy robes? I'm sure it's the latest fashion somewhere lol Happy T13!

  3. Great picture, and I need to try number six!

    Happy TT,

    ~Xakara (who's also in a fluffy robe)
    A 13 Paragraph Sneak Peak into Secrets of Night

  4. Fun list and I'm oh so grateful for #2 too.

  5. Mmmmm.... number 3.....

    Too warm still down here for fuzzy robes, but I have my own "blogging uniform"...faded out sleep pants and comfy top. Time enough for real grown-up going out of the house clothes when I have to get ready for work. I write better when I'm comfortable!!

    Happy TT :-)

  6. The picture you shared is charming. Thanks for sharing that. About being understood - I so share the sentiment. Glad you mentioned iTunes. I need to get back over there.

  7. We have had some amazing fall weather here!

    Have a great Thursday!

  8. I've been doing with six or less hours of sleep each night for so long I feel loggy if I get more.

  9. Mmmm. French onion soup. Can I come over for dinner?
