
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Considering other options besides Thursday 13...

Not sure what's up with Thursday 13, but the site's been static for the past couple of weeks. I get all twitchy and worry that something's amiss, but I am going to trust that all is well and it will be back when it's back. Life can get a little wild some days, I know... It's hard enough keeping one blog going, let alone managing a couple of them and having 50, 60, 80 other bloggers waiting with eagerness on Wednesday night for the Mr. Linky to be up!

Anyway, for this week, I thought I'd do the daybook approach... handily, I think there are 13 little starting points to share with you what's up in my world.

1. Outside my window... the lawn is freshly mowed and green green green. The rain of the past couple of weeks has really helped in that regard!

2. I am thinking... that I really need to get moving. Lots going on today, lots of need to change gears quickly and keep moving. So I will definitely need more than one cup of coffee, absolutely.

3. I am thankful for... so many things. But daily, I am reminded that technology is so helpful in staying connected. Here's a text my son sent last night. A text with a link, but still... Love that kid.

4. From the kitchen... I smell basil. Just picked the very last of the garden bounty and pulled the leaves off, last night.

5. I am wearing... my fuzzy robe and slippers. It's early, give me a break. I'll get my act together, soon enough.

6. I am creating... not a lot right now. Havoc? Mayhem? Maybe.

7. I am going... to have a busy, crazy day. Back to back meetings and appointments, and then a cross-country meet for Seth in the afternoon. Local, whew. No crazy driving two hours to watch 20 minutes of running. Silly, that.

8. I am reading... Isaiah and Esther; talk about a double dose of Old Testament. Not usually my thing, but we'll see... And the same Girl book I was reading last time I wrote in the day book... The Girl who Played with Fire. Need to bust out some book time, which has just not happened the past couple of weeks...

9. I am hoping... my husband's cough gets better soon. Not so much for me, as for him. Hate to see him not feeling 100%.

10. I am hearing... just the sound of my own little fingers on the keyboard. Peaceful.

11. Around the house... I really want my orchids to bloom again. I live in fear of killing them, and I think they sense that, so they are somehow shy. Or dying. One of the two..

12. One of my favorite things... is sleeping. I just love a good night's sleep.

13. A few plans for the rest of the week... This week feels pretty much locked up. Solid. We hit the road for Seattle on Friday noon, and away we goooooo! (Knock on wood. We've been really dicey with trip plans around here lately, so I'll believe it when my feet are on the dash and XM Radio is playing the family comedy channel. Kidding, Kim. We're coming, really we are!)

And I'm outta here. Running for the day!

If you'd like to do the daybook concept as well, go here! And of course, Thursday 13 is still here, but it's kinda quiet, so far today...


  1. When I saw Thursday 13 I flipped...I had planned on so much more being done before the end of this week but I checked the calendar on my are right, yet again!!!

    Don't you just love that little guy scooting about the screen on Seth's YouTube? And then...One More it!

    My basil is coming back in the garden and will probably serve us well until Christmas...(hopefully).

    Happy Trails to you and yours.

  2. I wonder what is going on with T13. I hope everything is ok.

    I love SImple Woman's Daybook. Always thankful for so many things :)

    Have a great weekend!
