
Monday, August 2, 2010

Curly Girl Designs: I wouldn't call it idol-worship, exactly. Just adoration.

Right off the bat: I am asking for you to comment. Yes, that thing you do on blogs when you have something to say, to add to the conversation. Nothing like getting to the point.

Whether you're a regular commenter or a reader than browses and never/rarely comments, if EVER you were going to comment, please do so today! You can do it. Click below on the "comment" link, it's really, really straightforward. I will be eternally grateful. Well, I'll be grateful for awhile, anyway.

Now back to regularly scheduled programming...

I first discovered Curly Girl Designs at a wonderful paper shop in San Luis Obispo, while visiting dear friend Corinne a couple of years ago. I dropped more than a little cash at Paper Sky, and it sent me into a little tizzy of dreaming and scheming about opening a little paper shop of my own.

One of the reasons (a big reason) for that tizzy was Curly Girl Designs. I thought, if I love this stuff, and I've never seen it before, I bet all my girlfriends would love it too, and really, just about anyone would love it, and I should be the one to bring it to Walla Walla!

Since then, Curly Girl has been doing just great at getting her word out, and you can find her stuff in all kinds of little shops and boutiques all over the place. I look for her cards and little notebooks (and now there are ornaments and mugs and all kinds of fun things!). I follow her on Facebook, and just this weekend she put out a call for blog posts, with a giveway for the blogger who gets the most comments. Well, I know I don't have a ton of followers/commenters, but I'm stepping out to see who I can get to comment and see how it stacks up...

Here's what Curly Girl said:
GIVE-AWAY!! OK Bloggers.... show me how it's done!! If you blog, do a little post about Curly Girl Design. Leave a note on our wall with your link. The posting with the most (unique) comments by Thursday Aug 5th wins a BRAND SPANKING NEW CGD Magnet board from @demdaco! Bonus: If your followers leave us a note on our wall saying where they saw us it counts as a comment too!! NOW, show me what I have been missing! xoxo

See, Curly Girl is thinking about starting a blog, and she wants to get a sense of how the whole thing works. Lets show her how! You can comment here, and then on Facebook you can comment on Curly Girl's wall as well. Yes, you can, I know you can!

Won't you help a blogger out? I would love one of her magnet boards. And the bonus is, even if I don't win, you could still win. Yes, indeed. If you have a favorite item of Curly Girl's, leave that in your comment too and I will do my very first giveway (how very bloggy of me!) by choosing randomly from the comments.

Take a look at her tremendous talent below. I think this first card is probably my very favorite, of all time.

Yes, this lady has talent. She inspires me every time I look at her work, and I'm thrilled for her continued success.

Thanks so much for your help with this, and remember, there's something (potentially) in it for you too!


  1. You know you can count on me to help you out! One of my favorites of hers is "'A really good friend,' she said, 'makes you snort when you laugh and will still hang out with you when you do it in public.'" :)

  2. I am in! I like Jen's pick -- and I also like the Plant Happy print. "I most often find that happiness is right where I planted it."

    Hope my favorite blogger wins!

  3. I love the Curly Girl too! Saw her card in Manzanita about singing in the shower and it made me smile. Not that it's hard to smile when I'm in Manzanita, but still.

  4. Of course, anything for you! I like the last card about having a friend in hard times. :)

  5. Of course, anything for you! I like the last card about having a friend in hard times. :)

  6. Here I am...great cards on your post but my favorite still is..."The truth is, Even if she weren't my Mom I would go out of my way to be friends with her." That is so good.

    I do love the lady's artwork too. So free and fresh!

  7. Love your blog it gives me the juice I need! Loved the lavender lemonade best...
    Never seen Curly Girl but i'm a fan now, I totally have to steal the snorting quote for my FB - I snorted after I read it...

  8. I love this girls stuff--I wonder if we can get it in Canada--and I love browsing for cards--right up there with bookstores--and the quote on faith--guess what i bought the same quote at the ocean resort at our reunion--and i have it hanging on the big wall by my stairs---thanks for sharing Sherilee.

  9. OMG I love her stuff! Especially that last one :-)

  10. Love the last one...AND I just figured out that your blogs were down on the side. Bit saaaallow - I am. ;-)

    It's amazing how insightful she is. Is it just one woman?

  11. Hey Sher--happy to help you get your magnet board! I don't remember my Google account name and/or password right now, so I'll just comment "anonymously." :)


  12. Such cute stuff!!! Love it!!

    I replied on my blog but in case you didn't see it, here is the info on the iPhone you wanted:

    If you wanna take a picture of your iPhone screen, hold down the "home" button and the "off" button (the one at the top) at the same time. It will snap a screenprint. You can find it in your photo album.


  13. curly girl - very nice product, a really nice selection for just about every mood!
    good luck with the magnet board capture!

  14. I have the cape and tiara skin on my laptop -- when I go out to schools or professional development (that's my job) not only does Curly Girl get rave reviews--I secretly think it is empowering magic for teachers who give and sometimes forget how very important, influencial and POWERFUL they are! Thanks!! You stuff makes me and so many other just plain old happy!

  15. These cards are real neat! I've seen them in some boutiques, I believe. Glad to help you get some comments! Thanks for doing so on my blog, too.

  16. I love Curly Girl, and now because of her challenge, I've discovered your blog . . . and it's wonderful!! Thank you for posting little bits of sunshine like this! :) I will definitely keep checking in...

  17. Hi! Found your blog when I "liked" Curly Girl Design on Facebook today. I discovered Leigh's cards, etc. while vacationing in Maine last year and blogged about her then!

    Just love the life truths, art, and humor in it all - and they correspond with the life of faith in a light and whimsical way. Love it.

    And happy to have found you, too - Will add you to my blog roll! :)
