
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Thursday 13: Snapshots

Snapshot of Thirteen Things Right Now
(borrowed from Janet who borrowed from Dawn)

1. Photo of me from this month: 

That counts, doesn't it?

2. Current candle scents: Not so candle-y, but have a pretty one by my bed (never gets lit!): Frasier Fir by Thymes. I love that scent.

3. What I am reading this month: Still in the middle, but getting toward the end, of The Hour I First Believed, by Wally Lamb. Heavy but good. Have also indulged in the downloads of My Stroke of Insight by Jill Bolte Taylor and The Unnamed by Joshua Ferris. I'm ready to think about something that doesn't relate to Columbine (again! Last summer I read Columbine... I think I'm done now.)

4. Top three songs I am drawn to this month: Greg Johnson's "I've Got Opinions", God Help The Girl's "I'm In Love With The City," and Jason Mraz covering "Spirit In The Sky." All three have been sung at top volume while mowing... or weeding... just darn good songs.

Here's the video for "I've Got Opinions." Love it.

5. Movies I've seen this month: Two light summer flicks: Knight and Day and Killers (a really poorly named film, fyi). Both action-y and loud. I'd have to give Tom Cruise props for his banter, and Katherine Heigl for hers, in their respective films. Maybe next summer they can make Knight Killers together... Both films exceeded expectations, which weren't particularly high!

6. Favorite recent TV moments: Discovered In Plain Sight and loved watching the first season straight through on DVD. Now awaiting season 2. Girl crush on Mary, that's all I'm saying.

7. Something yummy I made this month:

 Zucchini, asparagus, grape tomato, corn, pine nut, parmesan and cream. Yum.

8. Some place I ate out this month (Yummy as ever. I adore the Greek salad with falafel.):

9. Something that made me cry this month: A couple of missing Seth sniffles. Not a big cry, but a couple of wee private moments. Well, not so private now...

10. Something that made me laugh this month: Listening to Brian Regan on the XM family comedy channel while driving through the Gorge with husband last weekend. Here's a funny clip of Brian on Letterman:

11. This month I looked forward to: Getting my wisdom teeth out and having it OVER. DONE.

12. Something I want to remember about this month: How my good friend Shauna stayed with me after my tooth extraction and was so attentive and sweet. Very much appreciate her.

13. A photo I took this month: Seems like a long time ago now, but we had one loooong spring around here.

For more Thursday 13s, go here.

Hope you're having a marvelous day!


  1. I like the picture of your feet on the beach. Happy TT!

  2. Great photos. I love Greek salad too!

    Enjoy your Thursday!

  3. Love when folks do these...ahhh, the I miss it!

  4. Enjoyed your T13 and yes, a pic of your feet counts.

  5. Snapshots are fun. Your dish looks very tasty.

  6. Ah! Now I know what to do with those pine nuts I bought a little while back. Total impulse purchase.

  7. Brian Regan. So funny. Love him.

  8. I love that asparagus thingy.

  9. Great pics. That dish looks interesting. Happy T13!

  10. that food shot and the rain splat shot - amazing!

    Faux Pas not Funky
