
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Bits of My Weekend: Volume 21

Crazy weekend! Packed, from start to finish, with A LOT of family time, and an amazing setting on Vancouver Island.

Thursday afternoon Seth and I took off for Seattle. After a restful evening on Bainbridge Island with brother and family, we all caravanned up to the border Friday morning and arrived in very good time to cross without incident. Three questions, those crackerjack border officers had for Seth and I. Three. And not one had to do with the contraband Walla Walla Sweet Onions I had in my trunk.

Love the Peach Arch! Especially love it when the lines are short.

Shelby and Kim alongside us in line for the border.

One of our traditions at the ferry terminal is the gelato. Heavenly.
Kim and I split a grapefruit sorbet, which was so fresh and flavorful. Yum.

As we pulled away from the ferry terminal, I saw Mount Baker in the background. We were headed north to Nanaimo, out of a different part of the Tsawwassen terminal than usual; we don't normally get this view when we head south to Mayne Island.

My boy, enjoying some beach time on Saturday. We had a bit of a hunt to find an actual beach on this stretch of Vancouver Island, but Kim prevailed and one was found. It was a bit silty and quick-sandy, but we enjoyed a brief frolic. Well, the kids frolicked and Kim and I chilled before heading back for major relative time.

Photo ops abounded. This is my immediate family, sans husband (who had work commitments and couldn't come along). My parents, brother and sis-in-law and nieces. And Seth, of course!

Here the clan expands to include my mom's sisters and their families.

My mom and her cousins, who came from as far away as Hong Kong and Great Britain, but are mostly located in British Columbia and Alberta, with a few from Washington and Oregon.

All the second cousins. I think I finally have it straight between what second cousins are, and what first cousins, once removed, are. I know, pretty straightforward...

And here's all 80+ or so of the John J. Kandt clan that were in attendance. One surviving child out of the 10 that made it to adulthood (Uncle Ben, who will be 82 in August), 19 first cousins and their kids and grandkids.

I met a cousin who likes to fiddle with toe color, much as I do. Must be in the genes.

After the photo session, we had a visit from a local bald eagle, who was swooping down on the beach to pick up fish pieces that some cousins tossed out for him. He gave us a great show. I finally ran and got my camera and got back just around the time he perched at the top of a tree and just watched us all.

We had yet another amazing meal all together Saturday night, and visited while the sun went down so beautifully across the Straight of Georgia. 

The next morning everyone got up and went on their way. Those two nights and one day went by in a flash! But what a lovely family I am blessed to be a part of. Getting a glimpse of the history through each family that makes up the Kandt clan is really something!

Sunday, Seth and I and my parents took my Aunt Marilyn to the airport in Victoria. Along the way we had to stop in Chemainus, where there are murals on the sides of many local buildings.

This was one of my favorites, style-wise.

I loved this one too. Not all of the murals were exceptional, but most were interesting in some way--I think were all done by different artists, so you had a variety of styles and abilities...

Of course we saw a garden shop along the way and I had to snap a picture of this ceramic finial that was on top of a post. Quite cute.

When we got to Victoria, the men had enough time to quickly play a few holes on a local putting green, and the ladies relaxed and I watched a bit of local cricket. Even though I've actually played the game, it's still a mystery to me, but rather fun to watch. (But not for days and days... those matches do go on...).

A tight arrival time and long lines for all the ferries out of Swartz Bay and a very fortunate hour later, here we are! Exhuasted, all, but safe and sound on Mayne Island for a couple of days.

For more Bits of My Weekend, see Michelle's blog at 6 in the city.


  1. Your pictures are amazing! Looks like an absolutely wonderful weekend.

  2. Fabulous pictures!
    That bald eagle is amazing!

  3. Lovely synopsis of the for some quiet and rest.

  4. Love the photo of Mt. Baker and the murals. You had a great weekend!

  5. I made my first visit to Seattle and Victoria about a week and a half ago! What beautiful places to visit!

  6. Mount Baker has such a ghostly look to it, like it's floating there.

  7. Your weekend looks like it was packed with fun!
    What great family photos - looks like everyone was having a blast....

  8. Everyone looks so happy. Makes me want to vacation with you guys. I love the picture of the eagle.

  9. The pictures say it all - what an awesome weekend for you and your loved ones. Mt. Baker looks ghostly in the distance. In a way it's charming to me.

  10. Some great photos here. I've always been envious of people who have family reunions and the like. How wonderful for you and your children.
    Happy T13!

  11. I used to live in Bellingham and your photos made me a bit nostalgic for that part of the world.

  12. Looks like a great weekend had by all. Love the photos.
