
Sunday, July 11, 2010

Bits of My Weekend: Volume 20

Well, no more complaints around here about lack of sun! No sir, won't be making that particular noise for some time, I think. There was some cloud cover/haze on Saturday morning that allowed for a nice long walk without burning up completely, but from Saturday noon on, it was all sun, all the time.

Can you see the growing garden through the shade? It's producing like crazy already, at least in the zucchini and summer squash departments. I didn't want to do too much of close-up--don't want to show off the weeds too much!

Here are my basil babies. The bigger plants went in as plants, the smaller ones came from seed and I thought they'd gotten frozen out from our cool spring, but when I weeded last week, voila! there they were. Yeah! I will ALWAYS take more basil. (And see the volunteer dill in among the basil? I have tons of that and didn't have to plant a single seed this year! Sweet.)

I dug up some reds for lunch on Saturday. They turned into some happy smashed buttery red potatoes with parsley.

And the summer squash! I fried up a few for lunch as well. Happy summer eating!

Do you see the rainbow in the sprinkler?

A view from the hammock.

Another view from the hammock. I love a cloudless sky!

Chief and I compared pedicures.

I enjoyed a little mango frozen yogurt al fresco.

Ruby guarding the tomatoes.

More sprinkling shots. Gotta keep cool.

And,  my favorites are still blooming.

Hope your weekend was filled with sunshine too!

For more Bits of My Weekend, check out Michelle's blog at 6 in the city.


  1. Beautiful shots...your garden is superb! Happy new week to you all.

  2. Ohhh it's been a LONG time since we've been able to use a sprinkler here. I miss it! 10 years is a loooooong time to be in a drought.

  3. You banner is new I think since my last visit. LOVE it!!

  4. Great. Garden photos. Love the photo from the hammock.

  5. What did you put in your summer squash?

  6. How perfect! That is what summer days are made for... gardens and hammocks!

  7. Sherilee I love your banner! Jealous!

  8. Thank you again for my welcome to "Bits of my Weekend!" Your pictures are gorgeous and I'm super jealous of your garden!! Amazing.

  9. I am so jealous of your garden! It's so nice!
    I tried to grow red potatoes... They all just flopped over one day a died one me!!

  10. and I am living vicariously through you...beautiful nature shots!!!

  11. I bought some fresh mozzarella today and would have died for your basil to go with it... it looks DELISH!
