
Thursday, June 3, 2010

Thursday 13: Signs of summer

June 3 and it's yet to really feel like summer. I know we have until June 21 to really call it officially summer, but still, rain ALL day, really? Yesterday was especially dreary and hot-cocoa-y. I was happy to oblige and stay inside!

Of course, all this is to make for a very green lawn and many lush weeds. So I'm not complaining, most of the time. Just ready for sunshine, short sleeves, flip flops. So I took a few minutes to gather some things that make me think "summer" to share with you. If you have sunshine where you are, feel free to keep that to yourself!

Thirteen summery things that make me smile:

1. Doesn't this dish just make you see sunshine? Clafouti! That's the ticket, I'm thinking, to my need for custard and cake and fruit, all in one. Can't wait to make many varieties this summer!

2. This whole setting makes me happy, complete with the green apron! Love the ruffles.

3. Gelato on a stick? How fabulous.

4. What beautiful fabric. You've got to check this shop out--pretty!

5. This room just begs to be napped in. And relaxed in. Just lived in. Nice.

6. This is a wedding shot. How cool is that? Just makes me want to find an ocean and renew our vows!

7. Sunny, pretty, I could use this on my wall!

8. Summer means picnic. Yes, please.

8. I think this dress needs to find a home in my closet.

9. What? A trend? Green, you say? Perhaps. This piece is just so beautiful and says summer!

10. What a pretty quilt. Almost looks doable, really. And who wouldn't want to make a RAINBOW quilt!!

11. Summer reading... there are a lot of books on the shelf/Kindle/iPod, but one series has surfaced that I want to take a stab at this summer: The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest, The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo and The Girl Who Played with Fire... Read a fascinating article about the author, Stieg Larsson (who died in 2004, just as the first three manuscripts were delivered to the publisher), and am intrigued... I'll keep you posted.

12. Here's another dessert that I think will make it to our table this summer. Can't wait for fresh local raspberries to ripen. As I'm listening to rain pound against the windows, that feels so far away... but I'm sure it's not. Sort of.

13. And because summer always means music, I'm reposting a song that makes me want to drive down the highway with the windows wide open. Love it!


  1. The gelato on a stick looks so yummy. i can't wait for summer fruit to come in season. We are just starting strawberries.

  2. Back in the day I did make clafouti and the Dutch Babies mentioned in the last post...both yummy and both are a must-do again.

    Even though we live in a country that boasts of its 4 seasons we get very little change throughout the year here on our little island. We go from cool/downright chilly to warm/very comfortable so there is no longer the strong demarcation of seasons that we had in the Okanagan. I do miss the heat of a good summer though. Of course I could cure myself of that and go back to Mexico and work in 106 degree weather again. No! I'll be happy and content with the way things are.

  3. Gelato on a stick?!?!?

    Oh my goodness that sounds sooo good
