
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Bits of My Weekend: Volume 16

After my days in the city last week, the weekend was entirely country. We set out fairly early on Saturday for Joseph, Oregon. It was gorgeous when we left, sunny and beautiful the whole time we were gone, and just as gorgeous (maybe even more so) when we got back. I have been laughing a lot lately at all the status updates on Facebook that are weather-related... the last couple of weeks have been full of griping about the rain and weather, all across the Pacific Northwest, it seems. Then this weekend it was ALL about the sunshine. I expect there are a few sunburns to go around...

I've always been a "feet on the dash" kind of gal. Nice to get the toes out in the sunshine...

I am just mad about the iPhone camera. It does an amazing job as we're whirling through the countryside.

Our welcoming committee. I'm not sure what those cows thought we were transporting in our truck... they were quite quickly disappointed and turned back to their grazing...

After lunch and a wee nap, we headed up to the tree line in search of morels. We had to abandon the truck and go on foot--the spring that we have to pass over to get to the high pasture is still heavy with mud and muck.

We'd looked for mushrooms weeks ago (when hunting started here in Walla Walla) and of course, nothing. This time though, we saw LOTS of mushrooms, but...

NOT morels.

NOT morels.

NOT morels.

NOT morels.

Finally, morels. Not a huge amount, but plenty to make supper Sunday night a bit more special.

Such odd looking creatures. I can't help but think of Smurf houses when I see them out in the grassy meadows...

The view coming back down from our hunt. We left the dogs behind; there have been a few wolf sightings recently, and we weren't sure if having them with us might actually attract the wolves... As it was, all we saw were a bunch of elk up near the elk fence (yes, on the wrong side, of course); a couple of adults and a quite a few babies. Very sweet. I wasn't able to get a good photo, though. My wild nature photography skills need some work...

But Sunday I was bound and determined to get a good shot of the bluebirds around the cabin. They are such pretty birds.

Sunday morning we mowed the grass around the cabin--it was very high, and took a number of passes to get it down. After chores and such, we headed home...

Where the fever few is blooming!

So is the lavender. I'm ready for some lavender lemonade again this summer! Soon.

And the cherries are ripening. I am actually surprised they are as close to edible as they are... with the cold and rain, I'd have thought they'd be late, but here they come!

Hope your weekend was enjoyable as well! For more Bits of My Weekend, go here.


  1. Hunting for mushrooms sounds and looks fun. Beautiful area that you were in. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Gorgeous photos! Sounds like the weekend was wonderful--glad you got to get out and enjoy it! :) xoxo

  3. I am not a mushroom person but it looks like you had fun hunting for them! I am a foot-on-the-dashboard person too. I love your photos! We live in SD so its pretty boring here unless you go to the West side of the state into the Black Hills. Its BEAUTIFUL THERE!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  4. Wow those pictures ae great. Driving through that had to be awesome.

  5. Wow - amazing pictures, such natural beauty...and did you say they were taken with an Iphone??? amazing!

  6. Great photos...and do you have any recipes you would recommend for the morels?

    We are taking a break from back breaking floor laying!!!

  7. Your weekend looks super relaxing - I love the cows! My favorite photo is the lavendar - I am super jealous - as I don't see much of it growing around here....

    P.S. - the mango corn salsa salad looks really yummy!!!! As soon as I can get a good mango I am gonna make some for sure :)

  8. Only poetry could describe the way this post makes me feel. Aaahh. You are living THE life! By the way, I like to ride with my toes on the dash, too.

    You must have a newer iPhone. Mine takes awful photos, but I hope to get the latest model in the near future.

    You make me want to pack my bags and mirror your existence! Beautiful!!
