
Sunday, June 6, 2010

Bits of My Weekend: Volume 15

Finally! A day worth spending in the hammock. What a delightful Saturday afternoon we had...

Squinting... What's this need for sunglasses? Feels so foreign.

A view from the hammock.

My view from one end of the hammock to the other... Seth indulging my latest addiction of solitaire. Why didn't anyone tell me how addicting that game is, years ago? I could have wasted weeks of my life, I'm sure. Ha.

Chief in nap mode.

Yes, this is nap time for Ruby too. Not sure what the sprawl means. Probably something to do with her dreams. (Squirrel!)

We raided the candy bar box (remember, from that recent trip to Kelowna to see Grandma Kandt?) and Seth came up with an Aero bar...

While I discovered the BEST. Chocolate. Bar. Ever. (Hazelnuts.) But not just any hazelnuts. Some kind of creamy filling. Holy hazelnuts. It was an amazing thing, that bar of goodness. I may not stop talking about it for some time.

We were out there a goodly long time, and then the clouds rolled in. Naturally. More like, they came in on the express train, very fast.

And then Sunday arrived, and with it rain. And more clouds. The dark, stormy kind. They came and went... back to reality. But the precious few lovely hours of true sunshine were just lovely, and gave us a taste of the months to come.

For more Bits of My Weekend, go here. Play along if you like, too!


  1. Bueno? By Kinder? I loves me some KinderEggs, and that hazelnut stuff sounds downright heavenly. I need to make a trek up north again someday.

    Ruby's such a funny girl!

  2. I wish I could hang out in a hammock all weekend.

  3. Hammocks. The perfect way to spend the summer!
    Loved your post!

  4. What a lovely afternoon you look like you are having. I will check out those Bueno goodies. Heavenly sunshine!!!

  5. Wow! I didn't know you could get Kinder chocolate in the States! My husband loves those bueno bars.
