
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Thursday 13: Random day, with a side of back pain

One of those weeks... many things in the drafts folder, too tired to focus on any of them...

1. I got some kind of back spasm yesterday, late in the day, and it continued all night long. Very little sleep, no good position. Don't you like it when random lists start out with the bad stuff? Ugh.

2. The storm last night has turned to beautiful blue skies this morning. Lovely.

3. The hot pad on my back is my favorite thing right now.

4. Now that husband has gone to work I wonder who will fetch me things? I think I need a manservant.

5. I traced my back spasm back to an "almost fall" on the stairs, you know where you catch yourself before landing flat on your face? Didn't hurt a lot at the time, but wow did it get a little out of control there in the middle of the night.

6. Are you ready for me to stop talking about my back yet? Just one more thing. I thought laying on the floor might be good, something flat and firm, right? Just in case you decide to try that at some point, I'll fill you in. Getting down to the floor is not so bad. Getting up and OFF the floor? Much, much harder.

7. Next week is a big field trip for Seth's class and I'm helping out with stuff--food, chaperones, etc. Of course in the middle of the night I envisioned trying to do all these things from a wheelchair. Silly girl. I also found myself completely dumbfounded that we don't stock muscle relaxants in the house. The idea of actually getting up and going to find a doctor/hospital just seemed so superfluous at 3 a.m. I know what I have, I know what I need, where are my pharmaceutical aids?

8. Modern Family is the funniest show I know right now. I laugh so much while watching them. And, I like them all, mostly. That one teenage girl and her boyfriend, not so much. But the rest, especially Mitchell (how about that bird chasing scene last night?) and Cameron. They slay me.

9. The garden looks really good this morning in spite of the storm. And the lawn too--I just finished mowing before it went nuts out there. Everything got a good soaking, but we're supposed to get really cold again tonight... I am really ready for spring to be SPRING. For more than 15 minutes at a time. Can you arrange that?

10. I am not a huge baseball fan. This may be shocking news to some of you, but it's true. Just never got into it. I will go to a game, of course, but that's mostly about the food and the company. All that is to say that Seth not being involved in Little League is just fine with me. Little League is in full swing right now and having to sit through games while they decide if thunderstorms are just passing through or here to stay... not my idea of a good time.

11. I started listening to The Help last night while trying to fall asleep. I think I am going to like it, but I'm definitely going to need to start over. Lots of dozing, listening, dozing, listening.

12. I started a new book because I just finished listening to The Politician yesterday. That's the book Andrew Young wrote about John Edwards... I know, really classy reading, Sher. Whatever. Here's the CliffsNotes version: Rielle Hunter is a new age nutjob, John Edwards is a narcissistic twit, Elizabeth Edwards is a controlling harpie and Andrew Young is just a fool, plain and simple, for getting sucked in. AT. ALL. I mean, really? I know the slope is very slippery, blah blah blah, but when you're getting cell phones for your boss and his mistress and hanging out drinking with them behind the wife's back, you're just one step away from claiming the baby is really yours. Well, that's probably a stretch, but the crazy chain of events that took place could really all have been avoided by Andrew Young saying, "No." Just once. Set a boundary, dude.  By the time he finally did, it was all over for everyone. But, frankly, it was a big favor to all of us. John Edwards as president? He was never on my short list.

13. I have a great deal of faith that this back thing will be short lived. Just had to end on an up note. A little heat, a little TV marathoning today, and all will be well. Knock on wood. Just don't touch my back!

For other Thursday 13s, go here.


  1. Sorry about your sore back. Some A-535 would sure help. That would heat things up real fast. Take care and you will soon forget it ever happened. This may be a good time to go for a massage.

    Wishing you a better Thursday.

  2. oh man, I was laughing SO HARD at Mitchell when I watched Modern Family this morning (I tivo it). Best comedy show on tv!

  3. Hope your back is on the mend...I must take a look at Modern Family. I saw it for about 2 minutes last night before I went on to another project. I saw the scene where a fellow was heading off to a sports event with his pockets full of snacks...didn't like to be told he had to give half his salary for the snacks from the venue.

    Sleep well tonight, dear girl.

  4. Hope your back is on the mend...I must take a look at Modern Family. I saw it for about 2 minutes last night before I went on to another project. I saw the scene where a fellow was heading off to a sports event with his pockets full of snacks...didn't like to be told he had to give half his salary for the snacks from the venue.

    Sleep well tonight, dear girl.

  5. Loved your commentary on the Edwards book.

    Here's hoping your Friday grateful moment includes a pain-free back.

    Take care. Just when I was going to ask you if you hire out for gardening...
