
Sunday, May 16, 2010

Bits of My Weekend: Volume 12

A beautiful weekend, one of the first really warm, warm ones, where you can actually watch things grow... like our little pods of okra that are getting bigger by the minute!

Finally, there are lots of blooms!

For lunch on Saturday (it was a reeeaallly mellow day), we made pizza buns. These ones had kalamata olives, artichoke hearts, peppers and onions--and cheese, of course! They were quite yummy. We also ate out on the deck, which really heralds the start of summer, in my book. Love those outdoor meals, and so do the dogs! Nibbles...

There was the usual late-afternoon trampoline frolic.

Ruby wants to go on the trampoline REAL bad, but just can't work up the nerve. She practically quivers with the wanting...

What's an early summer day without a little lemon meringue pie? The boys don't even notice anymore when I arrange my food "just so" to take pictures...

Seth snapped this picture toward evening Saturday...

This one too. I am teasing the dogs with the water; they love to jump and snap at it...

Sunday began with a little breakfast burrito. Well, little is subjective. It was good. The day also held a lot of house cleaning (Seth and I) and some additional garden planting (husband). It was hot and oddly humid. But enough of the weather--it's so very Walla Walla to have this slam-into-summer thing; we comment on it every year!

A great weekend. Slept in (one day), got a bit done (one day), ate well (both days). What's not to like?

For other Bits of My Weekend, go here.


  1. Sounds like a perfect weekend!
    And that food! Amazing....

  2. What a great and yummy weekend! Mmm, you make me want to try my hand at cooking again :)

  3. Can I please come eat at you house? Please?

  4. Mmm that pie looks amazing! And what a fun relaxing weekend!
