
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Cancer-fighting cupcakes!

Dear friend Jen had her seventh chemo treatment for lymphoma on Tuesday and I was honored to be her chemo buddy for the day. Well, her husband Victor always comes along, and another friend, Kimberly, popped by too, so really it's more like being part of her chemo crowd. Which is very cool. She's got heaps of support and love coming at her (her little iPhone positively buzzed with texts and calls and tweets of love throughout the day!), which is bound to send that awful tumor running, don't you think?

Part of Jen's chemo "process" has been the belief that Pop Rocks cure cancer. Which makes total sense, right? I could have told you that as a seven-year-old with my tongue out and orange Pop Rocks bouncing around in my mouth! So every chemo day, Pop Rocks play a big role...

But for me, planning my trip to Portland, the critical question was: What to take to chemo? I mean, aside from trashy magazines. Well, my need for cupcakes being what it is, and my love for all things rainbow (because it's all abut me, right?)... and you have chemo cupcakes. Where do the Pop Rocks figure in? ON TOP. Yep, pretty cool.

Cupcakes ready to take a ride to Portland. Pre-Pop Rocks application... too much sogginess and the pop is gone. Can't have that.

I found this rad cupcake carrier online. You should have seen how jealous every other patient (nurses too) were in the chemo room. They were salivating over Jen's cupcakes. (It's kinda retro and when everyone who admired it was over the age of 60, I was a wee bit worried. But Jen liked it too. At least, that's what she told me!)

Here's a picture just prior to eating. PopRocks complete the cupcake! They still do their popping thing, and combined with the yumminess of the cupcake... just great.

And here I am doing a "pole dance" for Jen. She issued a challenge a while back on her blog to her readers, calling for pole dancing pictures as entertainment for her. I had conveniently been putting that off, what with my lack of pole-dancing skills. Here I have been coached (seriously, I needed coaching to get my leg around a pole. What's up with that?!) by Jen and fellow chemo-buddy Kimberly. I have now done my part in the pole department.

Thanks for letting me be a part of your day, dear friend. Here's to the continued shrinkage of that darn tumor, and to the day when we can have rainbow cupcakes to celebrate your cancer-free status.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I LOVE IT! Thank you again, so very, very much, for everything you did for me yesterday! X's and O's babe... X's and O's. :)
