
Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Very bodacious frittata

Dear friend Jen posted something on Facebook a few months back about a frittata that she makes, a recipe she got from a friend. When she called it a "bodacious frittata," I knew I'd have to give it a spin and begged the recipe from her. With my tendency toward adapting, I had to mix it up a bit, of course, and now the fritatta, while still resembling the one Jen told me about, is an animal all it's own. And it's a yummy, oh-so-easy animal, too!

First go-around, close to the original.

Take two, a step further away from the original.

Original Bodacious Frittata
Use a 3" deep pan
Fill bottom w/ tater tots
Cut turkey sausage into chunks; sprinkle all over
Layer w/ sliced mushrooms
Layer of mozzarella cheese
1 dozen eggs, whipped w/ milk, salt and pepper, pour on top
Cover with foil

Bake at 325 or 350 for about 1.5 hours, remove foil last 20 minutes or so to brown.

Bodacious Frittata, adapted
Tater tots, one bag, enough to cover the bottom of the pan, baked
Vegetables, 3 cups, chopped and steamed
Baked eggs mixture (a combination of cheese, cottage cheese and eggs, with a roux to thicken)

Using a 9 x 13 baking pan, layer the tater tots on the bottom. Cook the tater tots until crispy and done. Remove from the oven.

Meanwhile, take 3 cups of the vegetables of your choice--I have used asparagus, peppers and broccoli--and steam them. The microwave works very well for this, or you could pan saute them too. Regardless, get them cooked a bit. Al dente is nice, as they'll continue to cook in the frittata.

Layer the vegetables over the tater tots and pour the egg mixture over the top. Jiggle the pan a bit to get the egg-cheesiness to really settle in to the tater tots and put back in the oven at 350 for 45-50 minutes. Cover with foil at the end if it's getting a little too golden.

This is probably the fourth batch of frittata I've made in a month, and this morning I made it for about 100 people at work. It was the best iteration yet, I think; I've been nibbling on leftovers all day. You can see my half-eaten plate above, quick-snapped from my iPhone... I wasn't awake enough to remember to take a pretty picture of the whole pan, but at least this way you get to see the layers.

This is definitely a make-often brunch staple. Thanks for sending me down the tater-tot road, Jen. It's changed how I think of frittatas, forever!


  1. I had this for breakfast and lunch today, Missy. I love that it's a complete meal. Everything was fabulous, as usual. Thanks so much!

  2. Oh, my goodness, I love love LOVE the adaptations! Just when I finally was getting my kids to try to regular one, though, I know they won't go near it with broccoli! Lovely job, Sherilee. I love that it's such an easy dish that ends up being soooo tasty.

  3. M--Glad you enjoyed! I had it for lunch too, as a matter of fact!

    Jen--You can always just do the eggs and tater tots, no veggies--and add your breakfast meat of choice. We all like different "meats" around here, so I just left that out and cook them up on the side.

    Yum. Is it too late for a last leftover snack? Hmmmm...
